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Embracing the Spring

Posted in outreach

Winter has started to fade into the background and the natural world re-awakens: it’s Spring! The arrival of spring, historically and culturally, tends to bring forth a sense of renewal, hope, and celebration, and many springtime observances offer rich heritage and symbolism. In our own communities, we may begin to sense energetic renewals — an increase in activities and opportunities for connections. In this blog post, we’ll explore three significant springtime observances: the Spring Equinox, Mexica New Year, and Norouz, each carrying its own unique essence and traditions. We will offer some resources to learn more or participate in local activities in Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley. We will also take a look at some of CSUN campus activities in the Spring.

Spring Equinox

This year, the Spring Equinox falls on March 19, 2024. Equinox marks the moment when day and night are nearly equal in length, signaling the astronomical onset of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Across cultures, this celestial event has been revered as a time of balance and rejuvenation. In many ancient cultures, the equinox served as a pivotal point for various rituals and ceremonies, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness and the promise of fertility and abundance in the coming season. Today, people around the world continue to honor this natural phenomenon through traditions such as egg decorating, planting seeds, and gathering outdoors to welcome the return of longer days and warmer weather.

Mexica New Year (Huey Atlcahualo)

For the Mexica people, the arrival of spring heralds the beginning of a new year known as Huey Atlcahualo, which falls around March 12th or 13th. Rooted in ancient indigenous traditions, this vibrant celebration pays homage to the cycles of nature and the agricultural calendar. Festivities include colorful rituals, music, dance, and offerings to honor the deities associated with agriculture and fertility. Central to the Mexica New Year is the belief in the interconnectedness of all life forms and the importance of maintaining harmony with the natural world, principles that continue to resonate in contemporary indigenous communities.


Rooted in Zoroastrianism and dating back over 3,000 years, Nowruz (sometimes spelled “Norouz”) connects to themes of renewal, purification, and the triumph of light over darkness. On the day of Nowruz, families gather around the haft-seen (also spelled “haft-sin”), a table set with seven symbolic items representing aspects of life and nature, and exchange gifts and well-wishes. Locals to Los Angeles can attend Nowruz celebration for TehrAngeles at the Central Branch of LA Public Library on March 24th!