This month new CSUN first-time freshmen, transfer and international students will be visiting the Library to see, first-hand, all of the resources and services available them. Many new students begin their academic experience at CSUN during the spring semester and the Library participates in campus coordinated orientations to welcome these students. The new Matadors will be touring the Library’s Learning Commons and finding out where they can: get help with their research needs and borrowing materials; check out laptops and iPads; receive IT support; and learn about the technology that is available to them in our Creative Media Studio. In addition, these students will have the opportunity to tour the Learning Resource Center located on the third floor of the Library. It is our intention that these new Matadors feel welcomed and that they are supported to succeed within their new classes and throughout their CSUN academic journey. The Library looks forward to serving and working with these students during the coming semester and beyond.

New Matadors Tour the Library
Posted in Learning Commons, outreach, Reference, and Services