High School Partnership Program

The CSUN University Library is proud to partner with Los Angeles Unified School District high schools and other local high schools in and around the San Fernando Valley.

A student's school library and Teacher Librarian should be their first stop for research, reading, and studying. CSUN University Library works to support our local schools, libraries, and students by offering tours, reference and research assistance, and some borrowing privileges. Program information, including permission slips for parents/guardians, will be sent to LAUSD principals and teacher librarians in the Fall, or can be requested by contacting Outreach Librarian Brianna Limas. Please see below for details about the High School Partnership Program, including program sign-up and book borrowing.

What library services are available to high school students?

Interested high school classes or student groups can plan a Library tour and receive Librarian-led instruction to support their research projects. For more information about Library tours, please see the Library Tour page.

Students can enroll in the  High School Partnership Program for book borrowing and research access. Enrolled students may:

  • Borrow up to three items at a time from the University Library.
  • Receive reference assistance from librarians at the University Library.
  • Access Visitor Station computers in the University Library Learning Commons

*Please note: We can only offer access to digital resources, such a eBooks and databases, from designated Visitor computers. Off-campus access to eResources is only available to current CSUN students, faculty, and staff. Please visit your school or public library for assistance in finding accessible digital resources, or contact brianna.limas@csun.edu for assistance.

What are the requirements to participate?

  • For tours and instruction, please make arrangements with Brianna Limas at least 3 weeks in advance
  • For book borrowing privileges, students must register in-person at the University Library Guest Services desk by bringing a valid, high school or government-issued photo I.D. and completed permission slip, signed by their parent or guardian.

What are the borrowing privileges for students in the High School Partnership Program?

  • Three items at a time
  • Two-week check out period
  • One renewal for an additional two weeks


For more information, please contact Reference, Instruction, & Outreach Services at 677-2277 or Brianna Limas (brianna.limas@csun.edu)

For more resources for High School students, check out our High School Student Resource Guide.

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Last Updated: 08/01/2024