Fees and Holds for Overdue, Lost, or Damaged Library Materials and Equipment
As of February 1, 2024, the CSUN University Library no longer charges CSUN students late fees for overdue course reserves, textbooks, computer/tech devices, or media equipment, as is already the case for main and TCC/M&M book and physical media collections. Non-CSUN users will continue to be charged late fees. For all Library users, unreturned items will be billed for replacement costs, affecting the ability to check out more library materials, and for CSUN students, unpaid/unresolved replacement bills may lead to Admissions & Records holds. See below for details.
What to Do if You Receive an Overdue Notice or Bill for Replacement Fees from the Library:
- If you receive an email or other notice that a CSUN Library book, media, computer/tech device, or media equipment item you checked out is overdue and/or billed for replacement, immediately return the item to the desk from which you checked it out and inform the staff on duty that you were notified. Ask for a return receipt.
- If you have lost or damaged the item or you feel the notification or bill was sent to you in error, immediately contact a library supervisor as follows:
- For books from the main collection, visit or call the Guest Services desk at (818) 677-2274.
- For music books, physical media (DVDs, Blue-Rays, etc.), and items from the Teacher Curriculum Center, visit or call the TCC/M&M at (818) 677-2211.
- For tech or computer equipment, visit or call the Library Technology Services desk at (818) 677-6304.
- For cameras and other media equipment, visit or call the Creative Maker Studio at (818) 677-2595.
- For materials borrowed from other CSU libraries via CSU+ or from non-CSU libraries via Interlibrary Loan, contact Interlibrary Loan at interlibrary.loan@csun.edu or call (818) 677-2294.
- Prompt return of Library materials and equipment and/or contacting the Library as soon as possible may avoid loss of Library checkout privileges, and Admissions & Records holds on student records, which prevents registration.
Fees for Lost or Damaged CSUN Library Materials and Equipment:
- Main Collection and TCC/M&M (books, serials, journals, kits/games, and physical media): flat rate $115
- Books, textbooks, and media borrowed from course reserves:
- If purchased from the Library’s regular funds: flat rate $115
- If textbook/other materials purchased through Campus Quality Fee (CQF) funds, actual cost to repair or replace the item
- If faculty-owned, actual cost to repair or replace the item
- Computer, tech, or media equipment: actual cost to repair or replace the item
Fees for Lost or Damaged Materials Borrowed from Other Libraries
- Materials borrowed from other CSU libraries through CSU+ flat rate: $105
- Materials borrowed from non-CSU libraries may incur a fee, determined by the lending library, which may include the cost of the damaged/lost item or require the replacement of the item.
Payment Options:
Payment by Credit Card
- American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa accepted.
- The credit card processor charges a 2.65% service fee to the cardholder.
- The library does NOT accept credit cards or cash in-person.
Pay online by credit card using University Library Fees storefront for:
- Library Equipment Replacement/Repair
- Library Late Fees (non-CSUN users)
- Library Book Replacement
For CSU+/Interlibrary Loan fees, pay online by credit card using University Library Interlibrary Loan Services storefront.
- Credit Card payments are only available online through the Library’s storefronts.
- Have your CSUN ID number ready.
- Have your credit card information ready.
- There is a 2.65% service fee.
Payment by Check
Checks must be made out to “CSUN” and handed to a library staff member in-person at the University Library’s Guest Services/Checkout Desk, located on the main floor or sent in by mail. See mailing address listed below.
Note: Cash will NOT be accepted under any circumstances. No exceptions.
What to Do About Holds on Library or Admissions & Records Accounts
If there is a hold on your Library account preventing you from checking out additional materials and/or a CSUN Admissions & Records hold on your account (CSUN students) preventing you from registering for classes, please contact the following Library departments:
- For overdue/billed books and media, visit or call the Guest Services desk at (818) 677-2274.
- For overdue/billed tech or computer equipment, visit or call the Library Technology Services desk at (818) 677-6304.
- For overdue/billed cameras and other media equipment, visit or call the Creative Maker Studio at (818) 677-2595.
Note that it may take up to one business day for a hold to be removed from your account.
More Information
- Returning overdue/billed main collection books via Library Book Drop, or by mail or delivery service are also options, and you are strongly encouraged to notify Library Guest Services at (818) 677-2274 if you do this.
- Under no circumstances should TCC kits and games, oversized books, tech, computer, or camera and other media equipment be returned via Library Book Drop, as you will be held responsible for paying for any damage/repairs or replacement fees, with applicable holds placed on your Library or Admissions & Records accounts.
- If you choose to return any items named in the previous bullet point above by mail or delivery service, you are also encouraged to purchase insurance, and it will be at your own expense. You should notify Library Guest Services at (818) 677-2274 if you do this, and you will be held responsible for paying for any repairs or replacement fees incurred during transport, with applicable holds placed on your Library or Admissions & Records accounts.
Library Mailing Address:
California State University Northridge
University Library, Attn: Guest Services
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge CA 91330-8327