Services for Tseng College Students


Tseng College students currently enrolled in a matriculated bachelor’s or master’s degree program, certificate, or non-credit program will receive the same Library services as state-supported CSUN students provided that they have a CSUN user ID and account that provides access to the CSUN Portal, CSUN email, and Canvas. These services include:

  • In-person checkouts or Locker Pickups of CSUN Library circulating books, physical media, etc.
    • Loan period is 16 weeks with 1 renewal per item, no limit on the number of items.
    • Note: textbooks, books, and media on course reserve are limited term loans, usually hourly, and for in-library use only.
  • Remote access to all online electronic resources, including e-books, e-journals, and streaming media, which are accessed from the Library’s OneSearch system or Databases, with current CSUN user ID and password.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services for any physical materials and electronic copies of articles that are not available either electronically or physically via the CSUN Library and are available for loan from other libraries.
  • All other in-person and virtual library resources, services, and collections offered to stateside CSUN students. See Library Website for more information

Online/Distance Learner Services

Since most Tseng College programs are designed for online/distance learners, the CSUN Library offers free home delivery and returns via FedEx of its physical circulating materials, as well as those that can be borrowed from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan. Here's how students request materials:

  • Search OneSearch to identify the needed materials held by the CSUN Library or the other CSU Libraries.
  • Log into Interlibrary Loan and fill out a New Request for each item and enter the following information in the form’s "Notes" field: “Distance Learner” and your current mailing address.
    • IMPORTANT: Failure to manually enter the above information in the request form may result in rejection of the request.
  • CSUN Library staff will verify your eligibility for this service by checking your OneSearch record.
  • CSUN Library staff retrieve available materials from the shelves or request them from other libraries, and then send them via FedEx to the mailing address you provided along with a prepaid FedEx return envelope.
  • NOTE: “Regular” (State of California supported) matriculated CSUN students who are enrolled in online courses offered by another CSUN college and/or who live at a distance from the Northridge campus are NOT eligible to receive materials via FedEx service, but are eligible for all other student services offered by the University Library.
  • For more information on this service, please contact Interlibrary Loan at or (818) 677-2294.

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Last Updated: 09/12/2024