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Matadors! You Got This! Eight Ways to Reduce Stress During Finals

Posted in Study Break

girl studying at laptop
Photo:, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Hey Matadors! Finals bring the end of the semester but they can also cause pressure to do your best when completing your courses. Consider using these strategies to help minimize stress and create more ease when preparing for your finals this semester.

1 Get Organized

Take time to organize your study space. Clear any clutter in your immediate area and gather the materials you will need to prepare for your final assignments, papers, and exams.

2 Create a Study Game Plan

Is there a class that needs more attention than others? How much time should you designate per class? Figure out what needs to be done and how you will spend your time. Create a schedule and break it into small tasks if necessary. Consider using Google calendar or a planner.

3 Eat Healthy

Eat balanced meals. Avoid overall sugary snacks and processed foods. Choose healthier snacks such as fruits, veggies, and nuts. Want something to satisfy your sweet tooth? Try some quality dark chocolate!

4 Take Study Breaks

Stepping away from your studies by taking breaks can be helpful. These breaks will provide your brain with time to absorb what you have learned. Use your breaks to take a walk, get a healthy snack, connect with friends, or do a nonacademic activity that takes your mind off your studies.

5 Exercise and Stay Hydrated

Take time to get up and move! Walking, hiking, bike riding, or any physical activity you enjoy will do wonders for your body and mind. Need an indoor activity? Simple stretches or yoga are also great ways to get moving. Drinking plenty of water is essential too so have plenty of water on hand.

6 Get Eight Hours of Sleep

Make sure you are getting proper rest and sleep. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night. Sleeping will improve the retention of your studies. If you don’t get your eight hours of sleep, find time to take a nap before the big exam.

7 Meditate

Meditate. Breathe. Meditate. Even 10 to 15 minutes a day of meditation can help clear the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Formal meditation and breathing techniques can be practiced or simply sitting in a quiet space while focusing on your breathing can help as well.

8 Ask for Help

Reach out to your professor or talk to classmates if you have a question about your assignment. Also, University librarians are available to help with research questions 24/7 thru Ask a Librarian. If you need counseling services or other support, You@CSUN provides on-campus and off-campus resources.

Practicing these strategies can help minimize stress as you prepare for finals. Remember to reach out for support if you need help. Also see the University Library’s Finals Study Break page for online study break resources and for more information.