Do you need to back your research up with statistics? The Oviatt Library provides access to several statistical databases, as well as online guides to…
Author: admin
Daily, Weekly, Gazette: Where to Find Hot-Off-The-Press News or Cooled Off Stories
Posted in Reference, research, Research Therapy, and video
Newspapers, newspapers everywhere and not an article for me! Have to find a newspaper article for an assignment? Want to use a newspaper as a…
Research Therapy is back this semester with a special video on the video tutorial website This incredibly valuable resource was made available to all…
Research Therapy: The Info-Cycle
Posted in Research Therapy, Uncategorized, and video
In Session 12 of Research Therapy, we learned ways to identify different types of information. So how do you decide what information is best for…
It’s the beginning of the semester and most of your instructors have probably given you your research assignments. Maybe it’s a presentation, or a paper…