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Summer Updates and Digital Connections

Posted in outreach, Services, and summer

The CSUN University Library is here to keep you cool and connected this summer. While the hours may be shorter, the library remains your go-to spot for knowledge and relaxation.

Summer is in full swing, and the CSUN University Library is ready to serve as your sanctuary of learning and inspiration. Despite the adjusted hours, the library continues to provide a welcoming environment for both students and researchers.

As the temperature rises, take refuge in the library’s extensive resources and peaceful study spaces. Whether you’re seeking academic materials, exploring new interests, or simply looking for a quiet place to unwind, we have you covered.

In addition to our physical space, we’re committed to keeping you connected digitally. Follow the CSUN Library on Instagram and TikTok for highlights and updates direct from the Library, as well as entertaining and informative content, along with some library joy!

So, whether you prefer to visit us in person or connect with us online, CSUN University Library is your destination for knowledge, community, and relaxation this summer. Let us help you make the most of this season!

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This post was created with ChatGPT, a type of generative AI. ChatGPT can be useful for ideas, outlines, and writing copy, but it also requires human effort, fact-checking, and proof-reading. Visit this link to see the ChatGPT message thread that created the draft of this post. Be sure to join the Library for future conversations about ChatGPT. Have a ChatGPT question or research idea? Email