Hey Matadors! the Oviatt Library, is partnering with WISE, HKN Honor Society, and the IEEE CSUN Student Branch, to host an Arduino/3D Printing Competition. Students from…
Compete to Win in the 3Duino Challenge
Posted in Event
Posted in Event
Hey Matadors! the Oviatt Library, is partnering with WISE, HKN Honor Society, and the IEEE CSUN Student Branch, to host an Arduino/3D Printing Competition. Students from…
Hey Matadors! If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check out the online resource guide available on the Oviatt website. The Oviatt Library’s Civil…
Posted in Event, Learning Commons, and outreach
Matadors, during the second week in February the Oviatt Library is celebrating Love My Library Week! We will be offering several activities for you to take a break…
Matadors! The Vocal ARTillery will be performing in the Oviatt Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, February 7 from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m. You won’t…
Posted in Learning Commons, research, Services, and Study Rooms
Hello Matadors! Welcome to the spring semester! We at the Library are here to help you get off to a good start. Here’s an overview of some Library resources…