In celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month, the University Library invites our students and community to explore the below recommendations, including documentaries, feature films, readings,…
Cited at the Library Posts
The Armenian community remains a vibrant part of CSUN, and Los Angeles — as April is Armenian Heritage Month, and April 24th is nationally recognized…
Embracing the Spring
Posted in outreach
Winter has started to fade into the background and the natural world re-awakens: it’s Spring! The arrival of spring, historically and culturally, tends to bring…
A Frog-tastic Leap Day
Posted in outreach, and Research Therapy
In this blog post, we contemplate the relationship (if any) between calendars and frogs. Read to the end to find two unique programs for students…
Celebrating Lunar New Year
Posted in outreach
Rooted in lunisolar calendars across East and Central Asia–most often the Chinese Lunar calendar and its variants–Lunar New Year starts with the second new moon…