The Oviatt Library offered several activities and events for students during our recent finals week. Matadors enjoyed taking a break from their studies at two button…
Cited at the Library Posts
Hey Matadors! We wish you luck with all of your finals, and to support a stress-free experience we will be providing study break activities. Monday, May 13 from…
CSUN Student Wins Barnes & Noble Gift Card in Honor of National Library Week
Posted in Event, national library week, and outreach
Congratulations go to CSUN student Martin Navarro who is a Computer Information Technology major for winning the Oviatt Library National Library Week drawing! The Oviatt Library…
Hey there Matadors! You may already know that the Library makes available many types of technologies including laptops and tablets for seven-day check-outs. But did…
Celebrate National Library Week!
Posted in Event, Learning Commons, national library week, outreach, and Reading
Hi everyone! April 7-13, 2019 is National Library Week and that means we will be honoring everyone who works at the Oviatt as well as all Matadors. We are offering several activities to celebrate! On…