Please note that Fall Semester hours change starting August 24


Assessment Reports and Publications

Information Competence Assessment Reports

  • Simplifying Assessment Project, 2010-2014
    • Working with sections of Journalism 372: Media and Diversity, which is an upper division General Education course that is both Writing Intensive (WI) and Information Competence (IC) certified, to enage in direct, authentic I.C. assessment of student writing assignments. As a member of the "Simplifying Assessment" subcommittee of the Academic Assessment Liaison Committee (AALC), the Library's Subject Liaison for Journalism worked with the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research to create an online repository of rubrics and student work for assessment purposes and experimented with using the course Moodle for Professor Bobbie Eisenstock's J372 sections to collect student work, research journals, and library instruction experience surveys.
  • University 100: The Freshman Seminar
  • Survey of CSUN Students' Information Literacy Skills, Spring 2004

Library Collections Assessment Reports

Library Services Assessment Reports

Annual Reports to Campus Assessment Coordinator

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Last Updated: 05/13/2024