Andrew Weiss - Digital Services Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities
- Scholarly Communications support and advocacy for Open Access:
- "If knowledge matters, it must matter beyond the boundaries of our campuses."
- CSU ScholarWorks Institutional Repository
- ScholarWorks
- Digital publishing with CSU Open Journal Systems
- Outreach: demos, workshops & tutorials for ScholarWorks
- Consultation on scholarly communication issues, especially:
- Copyright
- Open Access
- Predatory & problem publishing
- Reference & bibliographic instruction sessions
- Collection development for:
Current Library Projects
- ScholarWorks outreach
- Data Management Planning (DMPs)
- Electronic Theses & Dissertations [ETDs]
Research Interests
- Information "pathologies" such as:
- Information and cognitive overload
- Fake news, disinformation and misinformation
- Search-stopping behaviors and conditions
- Library user privacy and surveillance
- Data and "Big Data"
- Japanese digital texts (RSCA Grant awarded 2013-2014)
- Massive Digital Libraries
- Digital libraries & institutional repositories
Selected Publications
- Andrew Weiss. 2024. Counterfact: Fake News and Misinformation in the Digital Age. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Andrew Weiss. 2020. The Dark Side of our Digital World (and What You Can Do About It). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Andrew Weiss. 2018. Big Data Shocks: An Introduction to Big Data for Librarians and Information Professionals. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Review (March 2019) in College & Research Libraries (C&RL)
- Andrew Weiss and Ryan James. 2014. Using Massive Digital Libraries: A LITA Guide. Chicago: Neal-Schuman Publishing.
Selected articles
- (Article) Ahmed Alwan, Eric Garcia, Antranik Kirakosian, and Andrew Weiss. 2022. Fake news and libraries: how teaching faculty in higher education view librarians’ roles in counteracting the spread of false information, Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice & Research, 16(2);
- (Article) Andrew Weiss, Ahmed Alwan, Eric Garcia, and Antranik Kirakosian. 2021. Toward a comprehensive model of fake news: A new approach to examine the creation and sharing of false information, Societies, 11(3);
- (Article) Andrew Weiss. 2021. Massive Digital Libraries (MDLs) and the Impact of Mass-Digitized Book Collections in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 5th ed. IGI Publishers.
- (Article) Andrew Weiss, Ahmed Alwan, Eric Garcia, and Julieta Garcia. 2020. Surveying fake news: Assessing university faculty’s fragmented definition of fake news and its impact on teaching critical thinking, International Journal for Educational Integrity, 16, 1;
- (Article) Andrew Weiss. 2018.Re-examining ‘Library Futures’: Data, Big Data, and Ethical Innovation, Journal of New Librarianship 3(2), pp. 159-170;
- (Article) Andrew Weiss. 2016. Examining Massive Digital Libraries (MDLs) and Their Impact on Reference Services, The Reference Librarian 57(4), pp. 286-306;
- (Proceedings) Andrew Weiss and Ryan James. 2016. Comparing the access to and legibility of Japanese language texts in Massive Digital Libraries, 2015 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing), Kyoto, pp. 57-63.
- (Article) Andrew Weiss and Ryan James. 2013. Assessing the coverage of Hawaiian and Pacific books in the Google Books digitization project, OCLC Systems & Services 29(1), pp.13 – 21; -- awarded Highly Commended paper by Emerald, 2014.
- (Article) Ryan James and Andrew Weiss. 2012. An assessment of Google Books’ Metadata, Journal of Library Metadata 12(1);
- PhD. Library and Information Science. Manchester Metropolitan University/SJSU Gateway, in progress
- MLISc, Library and Information Science, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- M.A., English Literature, Temple University
- B.A., English Literature, Kenyon College
- Access CV here [PDF | Updated 7/2023]