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Coleen Martin

Reference Librarian

Coleen Martin

Phone: (818) 677-6396
Fax: (818) 677-4136


Coleen Martin, Research and Instruction Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities

My current duties include serving as the librarian liaison and bibliographer for the Anthropology, Communication Studies, and Journalism departments.

To schedule a Library instruction session, please complete the faculty Library Instruction Form.

Do you have a book suggestion to add to our collection? Please complete the purchase form.

For any Video/DVD recommendations, please fill out the faculty video request form.

Course Guides


Communication Studies


Publications and Presentations

Lampert, Lynn D. and Coleen Meyers-Martin. (Feb. 2019) Creating a Learning Commons: A Practical Guide for Librarians, M. Sandra Wood (Ed.), Rowman & Littlefield.

Lampert, Lynn D., Ellen Jarosz, and Coleen Meyers-Martin. (2017) "Sex in the Library: Promoting an Undergraduate Gender Studies Research Program in an Academic Library," book chapter submitted to (Ed.) Carol Smallwood for publication in Gender Issues in the Library: Case Studies, Programming, Outreach. McFarland Press.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen and Laurie Borchard. (Nov. 2015) "The Finals Stretch: Exams Week Library Outreach Surveyed," Reference Services Review, 43 (4).

Houdyshell, Mara L. and Coleen Meyers-Martin. (Nov. 2015) "Just Give Us 10 Minutes! A Curriculum Center Takes Its Message on the Road," College & Research Libraries News, 76 (10).

Meyers-Martin, Coleen and Lynn D. Lampert. (Sept. 2015) "If You Build It Will They Come: Marketing a New Library Space," book chapter in Creative Library Marketing and Publicity Best Practices. Eds. Robert Lackie and M. Sandra Wood with Rowman & Littlefield.

Lampert, Lynn D. and Coleen Martin. (October 2014). Let's Give Them Something to Tweet About: Marketing Strategies. Presented at the Internet Librarian Annual Conference, Monterey, CA.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen and Lynn D. Lampert. (2013) "Mind the Gap: Academic Library Outreach and EOP," Reference Services Review, 42 (2).

Meyers-Martin, Coleen and Lynn D. Lampert. (March 2013) “Promoting Faculty Adoption of E-Learning Solutions and Library Services Through Streaming Videos,” book chapter in E-Learning in Libraries: Best Practices with Rowman & Littlefield/Scarecrow Press.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen, Eric Garcia and Marc McPhee. (Summer-Winter 2012) “Information Literacy Outreach: Building a High School Program at California State University Northridge,” Education Libraries, 35, 34-47.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen. (2012) “One-Minute Video: Marketing Your Library to Faculty,” Reference Services Review, 40 (4), 589-600.

Lampert, Lynn, D., Susanna Eng-Ziskin and Coleen Martin. (June 2012) “Exploring the Unmapped Information Literacy Terrain: Planning Transitions and Programming for Future Reference, Outreach and Instructional Services,” Presented at LOEX of the West, Burbank, CA.

Lampert, Lynn D. and Coleen Martin. (November 2011). Can You Hear Us Now: Building Relationships Between Academic and School Libraries. Presented at the California School Library Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen. (September/October 2011). 5 Ways To Use Your College Library. NextStepU Magazine. New York ed. 40.

Houdyshell, Mara L. and Coleen Meyers-Martin. (Spring 2010). You Go Girl! Heroines in Newberry Award Medal Winners. Children and Libraries. 8 (1), 25-31.

Martin, Coleen, Eric Garcia and Marc McPhee. (May 2010). Reaching Out to the Community: Oviatt Library and LAUSD. Presented at the Michael D. Eisner Education Colloquium, California State University Northridge.

Meyers-Martin, Coleen and Jennie Quinonez-Skinner. (January 2010) General Database Library Instruction for ESL Students, Teaching Non-Traditional Learners: Tools for Creative Instruction, Ed. Helene Gold. Library Instruction Publications, January 2010.

Lampert, Lynn, D., Katherine Dabbour and Coleen Martin. (October 2009). Reaching Outside K-16 Classrooms: The Management and Assessment of Library Outreach Services. Presented at the California Library Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA.

Mendes, Luiz, Marcia Henry and Coleen Martin. (February 2009). MetaLib X-Server Implementation @ CSUN. Presented at Ex Libris Southwest User Group (eSWUG) Camarillo, CA.

Mendes, Luiz, Marcia Henry and Coleen Martin. (July 2008). MetaLib X-Server Implementation @ CSUN: Metasearch to Multisearch. Poster presented at Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Conference, Long Beach, CA.


Master of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Cal Poly Pomona University

Coleen Martin

Reference Librarian

Coleen Martin

Phone: (818) 677-6396
Fax: (818) 677-4136


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Last Updated: 07/31/2024