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Lizette Campos

We Would Like you to Meet: Lizette Campos

eNews Edition: Spring 2013

For many young people today, the doorway to success often appears padlocked. For San Fernando Valley native, CSUN alumna and Library employee Lizette Campos, however, a passion for education, unyielding determination, and a winning smile proved to be the perfect combination.

Bob Gohstand and Maureen Kelly

Thanks and Recognition: Bob Gohstand and Maureen Kelly

eNews Edition: Spring 2013

The newly named and soon to be remodeled Robert Gohstand and Maureen Kelly Reading Room will offer a quiet, comfortable oasis for avid readers; it will also serve as a dynamic and enduring reminder of the many gifts bestowed on the Oviatt Library by two of its most passionate supporters and most cherished friends.

Women's Health Logo and CSUN Shine Logo

Oviatt Spotlight: NIH/NLM Grant

eNews Edition: Spring 2013

Congratulations to librarians Lynn Lampert, Marcia Henry and Anna Fidgeon for securing grant funding from the National Institute of Health and National Library of Medicine for a project that will increase campus-wide understanding of both gender research differences and women’s health and wellness.

Revolution of Knowledge Event Flyer Thumbnail

What's Up: Revolution of Knowledge Symposium

eNews Edition: Spring 2013

In the wake of a digital revolution that has radically transformed the creation, distribution, and consumption of knowledge, the Oviatt Library and Academic Affairs will present a daylong symposium that will examine the unique challenges and exciting opportunities that currently exist for universities and libraries.

Featured: The Teacher Curriculum Center

eNews Edition: Spring 2013

When asked who the Oviatt Library’s long-standing and newly remodeled Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC) is meant to serve, Librarian Mara Houdyshell reads from the back of a brightly colored brochure, “Who should use the TCC? Anyone taking courses in Education, Kinesiology, Liberal Studies, Child Development, Children’s Literature, and people looking for fun!”

Dean Mark Stover

A Message from the Dean

eNews Edition: Winter 2012

University libraries are in a state of tumultuous change today.  Technology has radically changed the way that librarians, students, and faculty think about searching for information. Mobile computing is on the rise, and scholarly communication and publication is becoming a much more open enterprise.  Funding (or the lack thereof) has placed state universities in a precarious situation in regard to planning for the future and sustainability.  Library spaces are evolving from solitary study areas surrounded by hundreds of thousands of books to collaborative spaces where print materials may be superseded in some cases by electronic resources.

Iris Caplan

We would like you to meet…

eNews Edition: Winter 2012

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to the Oviatt’s own Iris Caplan who was honored along with recipients from colleges across the campus at the Volunteer Service Awards banquet on November 1 at the Airtel Plaza Hotel. The library is proud to introduce you to Iris Caplan who has been a faithful and committed member of the Friends of the Library board over the past few years, where she served as Hospitality Chair.

Jack and Florence Ferman

Thanks and Recognition: Jack & Florence Ferman

eNews Edition: Winter 2012

The Oviatt Library recently received a $161,000 gift from The Jack and Florence Ferman Foundation for the Ferman Endowment. The purpose of the gift is to support the continued processing and ongoing curation of the many unique treasures that are housed in the Special Collections of the library. The Fermans were long-time friends of the Library who passed away a few years ago.  Jack Ferman was a businessman, and Florence (a CSUN alumna) was an artist, but both were obviously philanthropists at heart.

Andrew Weiss

The Oviatt Shines: Librarian Andrew Weiss

eNews Edition: Winter 2012

Thanks to Librarian Andrew Weiss the Oviatt Library has been selected as one of this year’s recipients of books through The Nippon Foundation’s Read Japan Book Donation Program. The Read Japan program aims to make a wide variety of books from Japan available to foreign audiences by working in partnership with libraries, publishers, authors and translators.

Strange and Fantastic Exhibition

What's Up: Fantastic and Strange

eNews Edition: Winter 2012

Science fiction literature, one of the most popular and entertaining genres in modern fiction, has been read and loved by children and adults for decades. From the earliest pulp publications to modern masterpieces, science fiction short stories and novels have often functioned as a lens through which we express our sense of wonder, marvel at the possibilities of new technologies, and engage in our wildest imaginings.