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University Library E-News Archives

Materials from the Oviatt Library's Teacher Curriculum Center

What's New and On the Move at the Oviatt Library

eNews Edition: Spring 2018

The Library is continuing to grow through renovation projects and additions that will be underway through the end of the year.  Read all about what's new and what's upcoming for the Library in the future.

Featured Article: Creativity has a Home in the Oviatt Library

eNews Edition: Spring 2018

One of the wonderful things about libraries is that they transform to meet the needs of the community, embrace and experiment with new ideas, and provide spaces for research, culture and collaboration.  In this issue of our eNews, we explore the Oviatt Library as a space for creativity, and how important the creative process is towards fostering student and community success.  See Dean Mark Stover’s article [link]  The Oviatt Library has undergone tremendous changes over recent years, and its Mission, Vision and Values reflect those changes. The Library as a creative space is reflected in our mission as creating “innovative physical and virtual spaces,” and providing “diverse education and cultural programming in support of student success.”

People are Talking about "What She Said"

eNews Edition: Fall 2018

September 20, 2018 saw the lively opening of the Oviatt Library Special Collections & Archives exhibit, What She Said: 100 Years of Women's Civic and Community Engagement.   The exhibition, which documents the rise of women’s engagement in civic, social and business life beginning in the late 19th century, was celebrated by almost 150 attendees including two Los Angeles City Councilwomen.

Dean Mark Stover

Message from the Dean: A Most Special Place

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

One of my favorite parts of the Oviatt Library is Special Collections & Archives (SC/A). I’m not an archivist myself, but one of my first mentors taught me that Special Collections & Archives is the jewel in the crown of every library. The SC/A rare books are amazing to look at and study, and the archival collections are truly unique. Every time I visit this space I’m reminded of the importance of curating and caring for these materials, as well as the positive academic impact on students and researchers who are afforded access to these collections.

Ellen Jarosz Thumbnail

We Would Like You to Meet: Ellen Jarosz

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

Meet Ellen Jarosz, Head of Special Collections & Archives. Ellen manages the Oviatt Library's rare and archival collections, as well as a number of services including reference and research assistance for students, faculty and community members who want to use Special Collections materials.

Dennis Bakewell

Thanks & Recognition: Dennis Bakewell

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

Meet Dennis Bakewell, Oviatt Library's first Special Collections Librarian, who helped shape the Library's early collections.

Dennis Bakewell was a quiet man, who lived a mostly quiet life, but he left a great legacy in the Special Collections and Archives at CSUN.

Materials from Oviatt Library's Special Collections Exhibit Thumbnail

Oviatt Spotlight: Sources of Inquiry - Exploring the Foundations of Primary & Archival Research

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

Discover Special Collections & Archives new Exhibition. Archivists and librarians at CSUN have been building primary and archival research collections for several decades to help students and other researchers discover and analyze critical information about our collective past. On display in the gallery are items selected from all parts of the holdings in Special Collections and Archives.


Books in Special Collections Thumbnail

What's Up: Special Collections & Archives Grand Re-Opening

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

The Oviatt Library cordially invites you come explore and get to know the unique wonders of the new and improved Special Collections & Archives. After two years of renovations and a complete transformation Special Collections & Archives is ready, and it shouts “all eyes on me.”

Featured Article: A New Home for Unique Treasures

eNews Edition: Fall 2017

Have you noticed anything different on the second floor of the Library?  Special Collections & Archives has reopened a sparkling new facility after a major renovation and much-needed expansion.

After much collaboration, planning, and noisy late-night construction the Oviatt Library’s second floor has been transformed.

Dean Mark Stover

Message from the Dean: Prospering from Lessons Past

eNews Edition: Spring 2017

It was philosopher-writer George Santayana who first said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Santayana, who was educated in the United States from the age of eight, was a Spanish immigrant but considered himself an American and went on to become a Professor of Philosophy at Harvard. One of his star students, W. E. B. Du Bois, was able to attend college in large part due to donations that were collected by the congregants of his church. Du Bois himself became a prominent American civil rights leader and helped co-found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). These linked pieces of history, like the articles in this issue of the eNews, remind us that it is in coming together as a community to educate our students that we keep our democracy vibrant.