Oviatt Spotlight: Learning Resource Center

Newsletter Edition: Fall 2013

After a very ambitious summer-long renovation that resulted in a wall- to- wall transformation of the third floor’s east wing, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) is happily settling into its new digs in the Oviatt Library. “The new space is just that, it’s new in design and location,” says LRC Director Rashawn Green. “We had to learn how to utilize the space efficiently.  In our previous space, we provided directions using our hallway, but this is an open concept, so directing students to the appropriate area is a little different.  I will say the look of the center is more modern and open and has a very energetic vibe.” For a bustling environment that averages anywhere from 14,000 to 17,000 student visits annually, an energetic vibe sounds like an ideal atmosphere for the Center’s new home.

According to the Center’s mission statement, its goal is to enable students to improve their academic performance through a variety of learning programs. To achieve this important objective, the LRC employs 165 people; this includes 7 full-time and part- time staff members, 12 writing consultants, 16 regular student employees, and 130 instructional student assistants. Together this team works to provide valuable help to students through an assortment of resources and services like the SMART Lab, the Writing Center, and the Writing Lab. In addition, tutoring in writing, science and math is available to all currently enrolled students by appointment, as well as on a walk-in basis. “I believe the central location of the Oviatt will bring more students to our location,” Green says. “Students are familiar with the Library, so our presence here will allow students to visit us as they work on assignments.”

Rashawn Green - Director of the Learning Resource Center

LRC Director Rashawn Green

The hope is that the LRC’s new occupancy in the transforming Library will benefit students by creating a convenient and centrally located abundance of support, reference, and technological resources. The relocation of the LRC also serves to establish an exciting new relationship between the Oviatt and the LRC, and the Library looks forward to the continuing development of a dynamic partnership that is focused on a shared goal of increased student success. For hours and additional information about the long list of vital services offered there, please visit the LRC website at CSUN Learning Resource Center.

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Last Updated: 12/19/2024