Newsletter Edition: Fall 2014
Contributed by David Morck
The Learning Commons’ Creative Media Studio (CMS) opened recently thanks to Campus Quality Fee funding awarded to the Library. The CMS provides students with access to specialized hardware, software and support in order to create videos, digital audio recordings, and robust multimedia projects.
The CMS is fully equipped with a wide range of resources for students, with eight 27” iMac computers, a well outfitted audio recording room, and an extensive software selection including Adobe Master Collection, Final Cut Pro, and Pro Tools. This media studio provides students with a dedicated space to create multimedia, and offers educational programming and assistance in creating digital projects that look and sound professional.
Creative Media Studio Coordinator Sarah Sayeed worked tirelessly with Library staff and faculty, and consulted with other areas of campus during the studio’s planning process. “We started working on the CQF about a year and a half ago. During that time we met with coordinators from the Cinema & Television Arts (CTVA) and Music departments, and toured their facilities to get a better idea of how to model our lab,” Sayeed says. In addition, “Facilities planning was such a huge help in putting this together. It was a seamless experience since we had already worked with them during the Learning Commons renovation.” This coordinated effort helped to integrate the CMS into the ever-evolving Learning Commons. “It feels like a very fluid addition, and on top of that students have already commented on what a positive energy this space has. It feels really fresh and lively, with all the resources to make it a truly dynamic space,” Sayeed added.
Like many areas of the Learning Commons, the CMS boasts highly configurable equipment and furniture, allowing students to create a workspace that is most conducive to their learning and working styles. Beyond using the space for projects, students are able to check out a wide variety of equipment for four-day loans – which is something Sayeed is quite proud of. “Students can check out everything from cameras and tripods to green screens. After they have finished recording, they can come back to the CMS and use programs such as Final Cut Pro or Pro Tools to edit their content and create complete multimedia presentations,” she says. This allows for a greater range of freedom in how students produce creative content.
The Creative Media Studio is now open and a friendly, knowledgeable staff can assist students with all the available resources to help them create wonderful, new, original content. All students on campus are invited to come to the Oviatt Library’s Creative Media Studio and “Get Creative!”