University Library E-News

The Creative Maker Studio (CMS) is a unique department in the University Library that brings together students from all corners of the campus with the shared objective to learn, create, and collaborate. In July 2022, the rebrand from Creative Media Studio to Creative Maker Studio affirmed the department’s status as the Library’s official Makerspace.
This fall, the CMS debuted five brand new services including a vinyl cutting station, creative scanning station with a photo/film and 3D scanner, sewing machine available for checkout and inside a reservable room, multipurpose production room with high-end lighting equipment and backdrops, and a virtual reality room where students can experience VR and work on game development. Back by popular demand, we will also be offering virtual and in-person creative workshops, too!

As previously reported in the Fall 2020 Library eNews, the University Archives, part of the Special Collections and Archives department in the University Library, launched the Documenting COVID-19 project in spring 2021, which, like many academic libraries, endeavors to capture CSUN Matadors’ experiences during this crisis and preserve them for future generations. As the prevalence of COVID-19 appears to be waning, Archivist April Feldman provided the following project update.

In a recent survey of CSUN students that asked what having the University Library reopening this fall means to them, one commentor summarized the other respondents’ sentiments:
It would mean that I could have a place away from home to study. During the pandemic, it was hard to concentrate at home. Having the option of a quiet area at the library would be a stress reliever for me. I would also get to feel like I am a part of my campus.
So, what is the Library doing to provide quiet study space, that sense of community, and access to resources and services this fall?
Library Spotlight: Online Resources and Books by Mail: The University Library's Response to COVID-19

As CSUN began rapidly moving on-campus instruction to virtual modalities in response to the COVID-19 virus in March 2020, the University Library faced many challenges, including how to continue to provide resources and services to support student learning and faculty pedagogy and research while Library staff and faculty were required to telecommute. Early on, the Library’s millions of electronic articles, e-books, streaming media titles, digitized archival and scholarly materials, and online research and support services proved invaluable to supporting these needs.

In this Oviatt Spotlight, we’re zooming in on a significant project in the Library's Tom & Ethel Bradley Center, where the talented team is digitizing thousands of images by American photojournalist Richard Cross. This Q & A with Dr. José Luis Benavides takes us behind the scenes of this project.

Contributed by Gina Flores
The CSUN Library, fondly known as the heart of the campus, is tremendously thankful for the amazing student workforce dedicated to supporting our operation during the 2019/2020 academic year. Not only did our student employees make use of the Library's resources themselves, but they also helped to make these resources available to their fellow students, staff, faculty, and community members.