Thanks & Recognition: Yolanda and Jeff Heller

Newsletter Edition: Fall 2021

Contributed by Gina Flores

In February 2020, the University Library was honored to receive a considerable gift to enhance our collections. Among our beloved family of generous supporters, Yolanda and Jeff Heller have a special place in their hearts for education, as retired teachers and proud parents of a CSUN music graduate.

Yolanda and Jeff Heller

Yolanda and Jeff Heller

The Yolanda and Jeff Heller Endowment was established in memory of Yolanda’s late cousin, Raul E. Aragon, Jr., an alumnus of CSUN and the University’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Assistant Director. This thoughtful tribute supports books and materials for three University Library subjects: Music Performance and Composition, Child Abuse Studies, and Holocaust Studies.

Both Jeff and Yolanda grew up in Southern California. Jeff is a graduate of San Diego State University and Pepperdine University, and Yolanda attended Chapman University for both her undergraduate and graduate studies, along with Special Education courses completed at CSUN. Now retired, Jeff and Yolanda’s careers were deeply rooted in a mission to educate and inspire budding young minds. Jeff taught math at Hale Charter Academy in Woodland Hills, while Yolanda taught at Westmark School in Encino, and also at West L.A. Baptist. They became a couple after spending time together at a faith-based event, where their interests united.

The Hellers were blessed with a son named Israel, who graduated from CSUN in 2005 with a Bachelor of Music degree. Israel is now an accomplished violinist and songwriter.

Residing in the San Fernando Valley, Yolanda and Jeff share an interest in opera and classical music, including attending events at The Soraya. They are also frequent guests at University Library events, where they enjoy the diverse programming.

The Library is forever grateful for the many ways that Yolanda and Jeff show their support through their acts of kindness and generous gifts, all for the benefit of our hardworking Matadors at CSUN!

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Last Updated: 10/17/2024