Thanks & Recognition: CSUN Library to Benefit from the Support of Everyday Donors Making Extraordinary Contributions

Newsletter Edition: Fall 2024

Contributed by Tarry Kang

The California State University, Northridge (CSUN) University Library has long been a central part of the campus, helping students, faculty, and the wider community access resources that inspire learning and discovery. Three dedicated donors, all everyday individuals, have made transformative contributions that will greatly enhance the library’s offerings for years to come. While they may not be wealthy magnates, their gifts demonstrate how anyone, regardless of financial standing, can leave a lasting legacy and make a significant difference for future generations.

Susan Ettinger: A Legacy of Leadership and Advocacy

Susan Ettinger

Susan Ettinger, a trailblazer in student leadership at CSUN, is a remarkable donor committed to the University Library’s ongoing success. As the first woman to serve as Associated Students President, she championed student involvement at all levels of the university, including advocating for a student seat at the CSU Collective Bargaining table.

An active volunteer, Ettinger has committed to a bequest gift—an inclusion in her will—that will help cover the operating expenses necessary to maintain the Jewish Collections within the University Library. Her gift not only preserves an important piece of cultural history but also reflects her dedication to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that diverse voices are represented in the University Library’s resources. By making this bequest, Ettinger continues her lifelong belief in the power of education and mentorship.

“The library was always a place of exploration for me during my time at CSUN,” said Ettinger. “I’m proud to give back and support a collection that will enrich the lives of students and the community for years to come.”

Louise Adams: Serving the Community—Feline and Human Alike

Louise Adams

Louise Adams is known at CSUN for her compassion, not only for her fellow humans but also for the feral cat population on campus. As a co-founder of CSUN Cat People, Adams has been a driving force behind a program that provides food, spay/neuter services, and vaccinations for the campus’s feline residents. Her commitment to both the university and her community has not gone unnoticed, as she was honored with a Volunteer Service Award in 2017.

Adams has also pledged a bequest gift to the University Library, which will help meet its most urgent needs. As a CSUN alumna with a degree in History, she understands the critical role the library plays in student success. Her contribution will ensure that future students continue to have access to the same quality resources and services that supported her during her time at CSUN.

“CSUN gave me so many opportunities, and the library was always there for me,” said Adams. “I want to make sure future students have access to the same support that helped me succeed.”

Ardis Flenniken: Honoring the Past, Supporting the Future

Ardis Flenniken

Ardis Flenniken, a devoted member of CSUN’s Heritage Society and a three-time alumna, has made a generous commitment through a bequest gift to establish two important endowments: the Mary Flenniken Memorial Scholarship Endowment and the Ardis A. Flenniken Library Endowment. These endowments will provide essential support to student employees at the University Library and enhance the library’s music and linguistics collections.

Flenniken’s bequest is deeply personal. A lifelong music lover, she turned to the arts for comfort at the age of 15 after losing her father. Her work-study experience at CSUN’s University Library further nurtured her intellectual curiosity and passion for education. Now, through her endowments, Flenniken aims to offer current students the same opportunities for personal and academic growth. Her contributions will also support faculty in adopting innovative teaching methods and conducting groundbreaking research.

“I’ve always felt that CSUN gave me so much,” Flenniken said. “Now, I’m grateful for the opportunity to give back in a way that will support both students and the faculty who help shape their future.”

Making a Difference: How You Can Help

These three individuals—Susan Ettinger, Louise Adams, and Ardis Flenniken—prove that you don’t need immense wealth to make a lasting impact. Each donor has drawn from their personal experiences and passions to support the University Library in a way that aligns with their values. Their generosity will benefit the CSUN community for years to come. Thank you, Susan, Louise, and Ardis.

If you feel inspired by their generosity, know that you, too, can help shape the future of CSUN’s University Library. Whether it’s through a financial contribution, including the University Library in your will, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, every act of support strengthens the University Library’s ability to serve the academic community. It’s not just about the size of your gift—it’s about the difference you make.

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Last Updated: 09/30/2024