University Library E-News

CSUN emeritus librarian Tony Gardner turns his longtime passion for rare books into a significant, personal and lasting legacy for the Oviatt Library. Tony Gardner is a man who admires printing. He has nothing against modern offset printing, or even laser printing, but what he admires most is hand-set printing dated prior to the middle of the nineteenth century; when type was set by hand, one letter at a time, and printed on a letterpress.

An exciting new partnership between The Oviatt Library and CSUN Athletics results in Read to Lead; an impressive exhibition of photographs, accompanied by an inspirational series of panel discussions with a variety of leaders selected from the campus community.

Library staff and faculty go above and beyond to incorporate both an imaginative theme and the spirit of giving into their annual holiday celebration. At this year’s unique event, contributions were gathered for Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission.

The Oviatt’s new Director of Development, Luann Rocha, has traveled a diverse and inspiring career path; one that in many ways has come full-circle. Now, fortunately for us, that path has led her back to the Library.

Winston Churchill, one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century, once said that “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I think what he meant by this statement was that the act of giving to people and organizations dear to our hearts enriches not just the recipient but also the giver. Generosity allows us to see more clearly that the world is much bigger than ourselves.