We Would Like you to Meet: Nimilolu Fafowora

Newsletter Edition: Winter 2015

Contributed by Jim Lunsford

First, before we talk about your role as the inaugural WISE intern, I would like to ask about your beautiful name. I know that you go by Nimi, but is there something that you can share about the history, meaning or derivation of your full name, Nimilolu Fafowora?

Nimilolu Fafowora in discussion with Dr. Bonita J. Campbell

Nimilolu Fafowora (L) in discussion with Dr. Bonita J. Campbell (R)

Funny enough, the origin of my name always seems to be one of the very first questions I am asked. My name was given to me by my grandmother. I am Nigerian, specifically Yoruba, so my name roughly translated means “put God first.” I do have four sisters with very similar names (Simi, Fimi, Bimi, Kimi), but all of them have completely different meanings

Cool. And thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for our eNews readers.

Thank you Jim, so very happy to have been given this opportunity.

Now then, some of us in the Library like to refer to the Oviatt as the hub of the university because the Library serves as a connecting point for just about every entity and interest here on campus. Continuing that hub analogy, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) has added yet another spoke with the creation of this new WISE Internship. How did you hear about the Internship, and what prompted you to apply?

This time last year I was working in a biomechanics lab here at CSUN. I was under a contract, but my PI (Principal Investigator) knew I was the only student studying mechanical engineering. Somehow he got a hold of the email and job description for the WISE internship, and he strongly recommended that I apply. Seeing that it was everything I was looking for in a student job, I went ahead and applied. And thankfully I was hired!

I know that this internship is a new position, but have you been on the job long enough to share some specifics about the responsibilities and/or expectations that are involved?

I have been working with WISE for about three months now, so I do feel somewhat settled in. A lot of my responsibilities are exactly those of an intern, with some administrative work. Sending emails, making copies, helping organizing events, contacting student clubs, faculty and colleges. In a sense I feel like a large part of my job is to help students at CSUN get better acquainted with WISE – informing them about what we have to offer.

How do you think the WISE Internship will help better prepare you to enter the workforce after graduation?

The task of carrying out specific instructions will be vital to any job when I enter the workforce. In addition to that, working closely with professionals you’re given the opportunity to talk and discuss and gain some insights into the professional world.

What are your plans post Pomp and Circumstance?

Well, to be perfectly honest, the first thing I want to do is to go on vacation, and get myself officially prepared before entering the workforce. To be more specific, I am hoping to work for a small, but well-known engineering company. One that gives me room to learn the ins and outs of the company. From there I would love to come back and get my Master of Engineering Management. Then maybe in the far future begin an engineering company that specializes in prosthetics.

Nimilolu Fafowora and 2 models

Nimilolu Fafowora (C) from shopwishbone.com

Can you tell our eNews readers a little bit about your online fashion business and what the future might hold for that impressive undertaking?

Thank you for asking, Jim! Since you did, I’m going to put in a little plug for it. The online store is called Shopwishbone.com. We just recently launched in August, with two of my sisters. The future for the store is looking great. We will be launching a second collection in December – just in time for Christmas! Although we are currently only online, we hope to start setting up locations in about three to five years.

You’re a college student with an internship and a business that you are helping to manage, so I am guessing that the concept of free time is not wholly familiar to you. But if – I don’t know – say someone added an extra day to the month. What would you do for fun on December 32nd?

Hmm what to do with that extra day – the beach of course! Although I was not born here, I am a complete California girl, through and through. I’d spend my day at the beach – just relaxing – then head over to Malibu Seafood for some fresh clam chowder. And then finally to the movies to watch a romantic comedy or an animated movie!

Sounds perfect. I love clam chowder. Malibu Seafood, I’m writing it down. Is there anything else that you think our eNews readers should know about you before I let you get back to working on the rest of your life?

I’m just very glad to have gotten the opportunity to work with WISE, and to be given the opportunity to have an article written about me! : )

* Visit the WISE Website to learn more about upcoming events, opportunities and how you can contribute.

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Last Updated: 02/25/2025