Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum

Our Hidden Histories: A Book Talk with Désirée Zamorano

Mar 5, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm
University Library: Jack & Florence Ferman Presentation Room

Author Désirée Zamorano and book cover for her novel Dispossessed

Author Désirée Zamorano and book cover for her novel Dispossessed

Sponsored by the Karin J. Durán and Richard Nupoll Endowment

Come join us at the University Library for a book talk with the author, Désirée Zamorano! The discussion and readings will be centered on the author’s new novel, Dispossessed. This novel traces the life of Manuel, a boy who is separated from his parents during the mass expulsion of Mexican Americans and Mexican nationals in Los Angeles during the 1930s. The author will discuss how her background in education inspired her to uplift hidden histories within her novel. The aim of the event will be to explore how Zamorano’s novel lies within the intersection of Ethnic Studies and the field of Education.

About the Author

Born and raised in Los Angeles Désirée Zamorano is the author of the highly acclaimed literary novel, The Amado Women. Her novel Human Cargo was Latinidad’ s mystery pick of the year. She is a Pushcart prize nominee and award-winning short story writer. Her work is often an exploration of issues of invisibility, injustice, or inequity. A selection of her writing can be found in Catapult, Cultural Weekly, The Kenyon Review Online, and Akashic’ s South Central Noir. She teaches linguistic and cultural diversity at Cal State Long Beach.

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Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum
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Last Updated: 02/20/2025