Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum

WISE Pi Day + Pie and Mixer 2023

Mar 14, 2023 4:00pm - 8:00pm
University Student Union - Grand Salon

WISE Pi Day + Pie and Mixer 3.14.23 4:00-8:00pmThe University Library and the Bonita J. Campbell Endowment for Women in Science and Engineering present CSUN WISE Pi Day + Pie in person!

Come by for our annual Pi Day Celebration where you will have the opportunity to do hands-on pi themed activities, connect with CSUN STEM Clubs, and network with students, staff, faculty, local educators, and STEM professionals. Stop by for a few minutes or stay the full two hours.

  • Games and Prizes
  • Photo Booth Room
  • Pi Recitation Room
  • Pi Digits In Color
  • Buffon's Needle
  • Rapid Fire Kahoots!
  • Pi Riddles
  • Pie demonstrations

And so much more!

4:00pm to 5:30pm - Clubs, Games, Prizes + Pie. Come and participate, LAUSD students are limited to 5-12th grade and are invited to come share in the activities.

6:00pm to 8:00pm - Networking Mixer - a chance for students, staff, faculty, local educators and STEM professionals to connect with one another.


CSUN University Library | Bonita J. Campbell WISE Endowment | College of Engineering and Computer Science | College of Science and Mathematics | Marilyn Magaram Center


RSVPs required by March 6th.

Assistive Services

Requests for accommodation services (e.g. sign language interpreters or transcribers) must be made at least five (5) business days in advance. Please email in advance of the event.

Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum
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Last Updated: 08/16/2024