Mark Stover

Reference Librarian

Phone: (818) 677-5519
Fax: (818) 677-2676

Selected Presentations, Classes, and Publications

Mark Stover, Ph.D.
California State University, Northridge


“Libraries are Great Places to Work – Or Are They? The Hidden Pandemic of Burnout and Low Morale,” Invited keynote address, California Library Access Services South (CLASS) Annual Conference, July 19, 2022.

“Minority-Serving Institution Academic Libraries: Responsive Leadership, Transformative Services and Radical Inclusion,” American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., June 23, 2019 (panel presentation).

“Creativity and Innovation: Implementing A New Mission for Academic Libraries,” CSU Maker Convening, Sonoma State University, May 31, 2018 (co-presented with Charissa Jefferson and Isis Leininger).

“Is Free Speech Really Free? Reframing Free Speech on Campus,” CARL Conference (California Academic & Research Libraries), Redwood City, CA, April 15, 2018 (co-presented with Susanna Eng-Ziskin and Jennie Quinonez-Skinner).

“Spoken Word Poetry in the Library: Why Hip Hop has a Place in Academic Libraries,” CARL Conference (California Academic & Research Libraries), Redwood City, CA, April 15, 2018 (co-presented with Del Williams).

“Moving into Leadership: Transitioning into a New Role,” LLAMA Career Institute Preconference Panelist and Workshop Facilitator, American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Denver, February 9, 2018.

“Quiet Development: The Power of Introverts in a Fundraising World that Can’t Stop Talking,” ALADN: Academic Library Advancement and Development Network, Cleveland, May 23, 2017 (co-presented with Marianne Ryan).

"When Does Twenty-Three Equal One? The Quest for a Truly Unified Library Management System in the California State University System,” CNI: Coalition for Networked Information Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 5, 2016 (co-presented with Lauren Magnuson).

“Reel Religion and Real Clergy: A Comparison of Information Use by the Fictional and Factual Faithful,” Fifth Annual International Conference on Information & Religion, Center for the Study of Information and Religion, Kent State University, June 5, 2015 (co-presented with Marianne Ryan).

“Realities of the Job Market,” Keynote Address at the University of North Texas Library and Information Science Student Association, Los Angeles Chapter, Resume and Interview Workshop, Woodbury University, April 25, 2015.

“A Tale of Two Cities: Marketing and Development Strategies in Different Library Environments,” ALADN: Academic Library Advancement and Development Network, San Diego, April 20, 2015 (co-presented with Marianne Ryan).

“Moving Forward Panel Participant: The Future of Academic Libraries,” The Future of Libraries: Do We Have Five Years to Live?  University of Southern California Center for Library Leadership and Management, February 6, 2015.

“Resolution or Mandate? The Politics of Self-Archiving, Institutional Repository-Based Open Access Initiatives,” Digital Initiatives Symposium, University of San Diego, April 7, 2014 (co-presented with Andrew Weiss).

“A Tale of Two Mega-regions and Many Systems: The Californias and Shared Print Projects,” Print Archive Network Forum, American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 24, 2014 (co-presented with Rick Burke and Emily Stambaugh).

"Holocaust Fiction with a Twist: Christians Imagining Jews in the Shoah," Association of Jewish Libraries Annual Convention, Pasadena, CA, June 19, 2012.

"Fictional Jews at the End of Time: Conversion Narratives and Jewish Suffering in Evangelical Apocalyptic Novels," Association of Jewish Libraries Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, July 5, 2010.

"Censorship and Libraries," Celebration of Banned Books, Grossmont College, La Mesa, CA, October 1, 2009.

"Library/Student Partnerships Redefine Tomorrow's Libraries," American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 27, 2008 (co-presented with Jon Cawthorne).

"A Contemporary Jew Talks Back to Paul," Guest Lecture in THRS 385 (Pauline Theology), University of San Diego, March 13, 2008.

"The Portrayal of Jews and Judaism in Evangelical Christian Children's Fiction," Western Jewish Studies Association Annual Conference, San Diego, March 29, 2004.

"Publish or Perish? Journal Publishing for Mental Health Librarians," Association of Mental Health Librarians, Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, October 13, 2001.

"Current Problems in Scholarly Publishing," Series of Moderated Faculty Roundtables held at San Diego State University, February-March, 2001.

"The Internet: Boon or Bust for Librarians? How is the Internet Affecting You, Your Job, Your Future?" Special Libraries Association, San Diego Chapter, February 25, 2000.

"Academic Publishing: Pitfalls and Rewards." Presentation to McNair Scholars at San Diego State University, February 3, 2000.

"HTML and Web Design for Librarians: A One Day Workshop," Southern California Theological Librarians Association, Azusa Pacific University, May 18, 1998.

"The Mission and Role of the Library Web Site," The Universe at Your Fingertips Conference, Santa Barbara, April 25, 1997.

"Innovative Library Applications on the Web," Southern California Online Users Group (SCOUG) Conference, Working on the Web: How Libraries and Others are Using the World Wide Web to Transform Traditional Information Services, City of Industry, April 4, 1997.

"Demystifying the Internet," Phillips Graduate Institute Alumni Association, Encino, CA, October 18, 1996.

"The Politics of Webweaving," American Society of Information Science Mid-Year Conference, San Diego, May 20, 1996.

"Librarian as Publisher: A Case Study of a World Wide Web Publishing Project," Untangling the Web Conference, University of California at Santa Barbara, April 26, 1996.

"Therapists on the Information Superhighway," PACE (Professional Advancement and Continuing Education) Workshop, Phillips Graduate Institute, September 30, 1995.

"Preparing for Library Automation," McAlister Library, Fuller Theological Seminary, March 26, 1991.

Classes Taught

Guest Lecturer for Dr. Beverly Lynch, "College, University and Research Libraries," Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, Department of Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, Yearly class during winter quarter from 2012-2018.

"Information and Society," Online course (LIBR 200) taught through the School of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University, Spring 2008-2011.

Various classes taught through the Library Instruction Division of San Diego State University, 1999-2007.

"Information Technologies and Applications: Web Design," Course taught through the Southern California Program of the San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science, Fall 1999.

"Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web," Course taught in the Business and Technology Department at Moorpark College, Spring Semester, 1999.

"Introduction to HTML Programming and Web Design," Course taught in the Business Information Systems Department at Moorpark College, 1998-1999.

"The Wired Organization: Business Communication and Research in the Age of the Internet," Online Course taught in the Organizational Behavior Department at Phillips Graduate Institute, 1997-1999.

"Religious Studies," Guest Lecturer for Literature of the Humanities and Fine Arts, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Spring and Fall Quarters, 1992.

Various classes taught on a regular basis through the Research Department at Phillips Graduate Institute, including "Library Orientation," "Researching the Professional Paper," and "Library Research Option," 1990 - 1999.

Book-length Publications

Theological Librarians and the Internet: Implications for Practice. New York: Haworth Press, 2001.

Leading the Wired Organization: The Information Professional's Guide to Managing Technological Change  New York: Neal-Schuman Publishing, 1999.

Ph.D. Dissertation. The Construction and Validation of an Evaluative Instrument for Academic Library World Wide Web Sites. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova Southeastern University, 1997.

Electronic Information for the Humanities. Issue Editor. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. (Theme issue of Library Trends 40:4, Spring 1992).

Journal Articles

“Front and Center: Hip-Hop and Spoken Word Poetry in Academic Libraries.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 19:2 (April 2019), pp. 215-221. (Co-authored with Del Williams).

“Quiet Development.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 19:2 (April 2019), pp. 203-208. (Co-authored with Marianne Ryan).

“Innovation and Creativity: A New Facet of the Traditional Mission for University Libraries.” In Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation, edited by Samantha Hines, (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 40), pp. 135-151, Emerald Publishing (2019). Co-authored with Charissa Jefferson and Isis Santos.

“Librarians as Stewards of Place,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 16:4 (October 2016), pp. 663-667.

“Dealing with Budget Reductions,” in The Associate University Librarian Handbook: A Resource Guide, edited by Bradford Lee Eden, 2012, pp. 71-96. (co-authored with Marianne Afifi and Elizabeth Housewright).

"From Reference Librarian to Interim Dean: A Journey of Comparisons and Contrasts," Reference & User Services Quarterly 50:4 (Summer 2011).

"Fictional Jews at the End of Time: Conversion Narratives and Jewish Suffering in Evangelical Apocalyptic Novels," Proceedings of the 45th Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Libraries, 2010.

"Library/Student Partnerships Redefine Tomorrow's Libraries." In Deidre Irwin Ross (Ed.), Issues in Librarianship: Presented Papers at the ALA 2008 Annual Conference. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008. (Co-authored with Jon Cawthorne).

"Identifying and Locating Complete Psychosocial Instruments," Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 26:2 (2007), pp. 47-61.

"A Kinder, Gentler Teaching of Contempt? Jews and Judaism in Contemporary Protestant Evangelical Children's Fiction," Journal of Religion and Society 7 (2005). (online link).

"The Reference Librarian as Non-Expert: A Postmodern Approach to Expertise," The Reference Librarian 42:87/88 (2004), pp. 273-300.

"Making Tacit Knowledge Explicit: The Ready Reference Database as Codified Knowledge," Reference Services Review 32:2 (2004), pp. 164-173.

"An Overview of Family Systems Approaches to Library Management," Library Management 24:8 (2003), pp. 423-432.

"Marginally Good: Online Distance Education and Library Service in the Unaccredited Religious College," Journal of Religious and Theological Information 5:2 (2002), pp. 51-64.

"Internet Shock: Change, Continuity, and the Theological Librarian," Journal of Religious and Theological Information 3:3/4 (2001), pp. 1-12.

"Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations for Web Site Design in Religious and Theological Academic Libraries," Journal of Religious and Theological Information 3:3/4 (2001), pp. 161-201.

"Technological Concerns for Library Managers," Library Management 21:9 (2000), pp. 472-482.

"Reference Librarians and the Internet: A Qualitative Study," Reference Services Review 28:1 (Spring 2000), pp. 39-46.

"Library Web Sites: Mission and Function in the Networked Organization," Computers in Libraries 17:10 (November/December 1997), pp. 55-57.

"The Librarian as Publisher: A World Wide Web Publishing Project," Computers in Libraries 16:9 (October 1996), pp.40ff.

"World Wide Web Home Page Design: Patterns and Anomalies of Higher Education Library Home Pages," Reference Services Review 24:3 (1996), pp. 7-20 (co-authored with Steven Zink).

"Philosophy and Religion: General Reference," in The Reader's Adviser, 14th Edition, Volume 4, pp. 1-8. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1993.

"Information Technology and the Theological Librarian," Journal of Religious and Theological Information 1:1 (1993), pp. 81-96.

"The Best Family Studies Databases on CD-ROM: A Survey," CD-ROM Professional 6:5 (September 1993), pp. 48-52.

"Family Studies Electronic Resources," Database 16:4 (August 1993), pp. 53-56.

"Religious Studies and Electronic Information: A Librarian's Perspective," Library Trends 40:4 (Spring 1992), pp. 687-703.

"Using PC-File:dB for Reserves in an Academic Library," Computers in Libraries 9 (September 1989), pp. 11-12.

"Issues in CD-ROM Security," CD-ROM Librarian (June 1989), pp. 16-20.

"Toward an Automated Reference Information System: Inmagic and the UCLA Ready-Reference Information Files," RQ 28:4 (Summer 1989), pp. 517-527 (co-authored with Esther Grassian).

"Confidentiality and Privacy in Reference Service," RQ 27:2 (Winter 1987), pp. 240-244.

Database Reviews

"BIOETHICSLINE Plus," CD-ROM Professional 7:3 (May 1994), pp. 148-150.

"PsychNet: A Niche Network for Psychology," ONLINE 17:3 (May 1993), pp. 74-81.

"European Monarchs," CD-ROM Librarian 7:9 (October 1992), pp. 51-52.

"Library of the Future," CD-ROM Professional 5:5 (September 1992), pp. 136-137.

"Magazine Rack," CD-ROM Librarian 7:2 (February 1992), pp. 35-37.

"Newspapers on Disc: A Survey and Critique of Metropolitan Daily Newspapers on CD-ROM," CD-ROM Professional 4:6 (November 1991), pp. 100-104.

"Excerpta Medica CD: Psychiatry" in "CD-ROM in Brief," CD-ROM Professional 4:2 (March 1991), p. 86.

"REX (Religious Index) on CD-ROM," CD-ROM Librarian (February 1989), pp. 17-20.

Book Reviews

CD-ROM Implementation and Networking in Health Sciences Libraries edited by M. Sandra Wood, in RQ 33:3 (Spring 1994), p. 433.

Review of Stress and Burnout in Library Service by Janice Caputo, in RQ 31:1 Fall 1991), pp. 128-129.

Review of The Freedom to Lie by John Swan and Noel Peattie, in RQ 30:1 (Fall 1990), pp. 149-150.

Review of Indexing: The State of Our Knowledge and the State of Our Ignorance, edited by Bella Hass Weinberg, in CD-ROM Professional (September 1990), p. 121.

The Librarian's CD-ROM Handbook by Norman Desmarais, in CD-ROM Professional (July 1990), pp. 118-119.

Review of Ethical Challenges in Librarianship by Robert Hauptman, in RQ 29:1 (Fall 1989), p. 148.

Various book reviews in Calvin Theological Journal, Library Journal, and RQ from 1988-1994

Editorial Work

Editorial Board Member, portal: Libraries and the Academy (2014-2022)

Editorial Board Member, College & Research Libraries (2014-2017)

Editorial Board Member, Library Leadership & Management (2013-2015)

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Religious & Theological Information (2013-2016)

Editor, Journal of Religious & Theological Information, (2008-2012)

Editorial Board Member, Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, (2006-2011)

Editor, Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, (2000-2006)

Guest Editor, Journal of Religious & Theological Information 3 (3/4), Spring 2001.

Guest Editor, Library Trends 40 (4), "Electronic Information for the Humanities," Spring 1992


Ph.D., School of Computer and Information Science, Nova Southeastern University, 1997.

M.L.S. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, UCLA, 1988.

M.A.R. Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. Religious Studies. First Honors. 1986.

B.A. Biola University, La Mirada, CA. Biblical Studies. Magna Cum Laude. 1983.

Mark Stover

Reference Librarian

Phone: (818) 677-5519
Fax: (818) 677-2676

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Last Updated: 08/27/2024