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Faculty Borrowing Privileges

Circulating materials

CSUN faculty may borrow an unlimited amount of circulating books from the main collection for a period of up to one year, depending on when you checked the book out. Other collections and areas may have other loan restrictions. Faculty may renew items once, for an additional one-year loan. Faculty are encouraged to return books that they no longer need, so that others may have access to them.

Reference materials:

  • Reference materials shelved IN the reference room and designated with the catalog location code "Reference Room" are NOT available for loan.
  • CSUN faculty and staff wishing to borrow reference items are required to bring those materials to the first floor reference desk to receive loan approval and a library "exception" gate pass from a librarian. Once approved, reference books must then be formally checked out at the Library's Guest Services Desk where the item will be stamped with the date due.
  • Loan period: Reference items borrowed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are due the following day at 12:00 noon. Items borrowed on Friday are due that SAME day 15 minutes before closing. Reference materials DO NOT circulate over (or during) the weekend. 
  • Reference items must be returned directly to the Guest Services Desk.
  • Two overdue reference items may result in the cancellation of this privilege for the remainder of the academic year.

Overnight Periodical Loan:

Another special privilege for faculty is overnight borrowing of periodicals, both bound and unbound. This is intended to allow copying of needed articles using department facilities. Periodicals checked out during the week are due the following day at noon. Periodicals do not circulate over the weekend. If they are checked out on a Friday, they are due that SAME day 15 minutes before closing. Check out and return periodicals at the Periodicals & Microform Desk, fourth floor, east wing. Two overdue periodicals will result in the cancellation of periodical check-out privileges for the remainder of the academic year. Periodicals do not circulate to students.


Faculty have the responsibility to respond promptly to recall notices. Books required for course reserves are subject to recalls. When a hold is placed on a book borrowed by a faculty member, Guest Services staff create a recall and reset the due date of the item. The due date is reset to the date of the recall. A recall notice is sent to the faculty member, who is expected to return the item immediately so that we may meet the need of the person who placed the hold. Also, please return Library materials you will not be actively using if you will be away from campus for an extended period of time. This will help avoid recall problems.

Retired and Emeritus Faculty

Tenure track and temporary faculty retirees and those faculty retirees who have been granted Emeritus status and meet eligibility requirements as outlined in Sections 600 or 700 of the Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures manuals, are entitled to continuing Library privileges. These include a 365-day loan period for book checkouts, remote access to Library databases, Interlibrary Loan, and any special faculty facilities in the Library, such as study carrels.

Responsibilities of Faculty Upon Resignation

Faculty leaving the employ of the University are expected to return all Library materials. Retiring faculty who are granted Emeritus status or Retired Lecturer status retain faculty borrowing privileges. Part-time faculty who are not employed for the current semester must return all borrowed items.