Faculty Borrowing Privileges

Circulating Materials

CSUN faculty (including emeritus and tenure-track and temporary retirees who meet Faculty Affairs’ qualifications) may borrow an unlimited number of circulating books from the main collection for 365 days from the date of checkout. Faculty may renew items once, for an additional 365-day loan. Exceptions: Loan periods for materials borrowed via CSU+ are for 16 weeks. Circulating media collection loan period is 60 days.

Returns and Recalls

Faculty must return checked out Library materials when they are due and are also encouraged to return books that they no longer need. Faculty must respond promptly to recall notices for materials needed for course reserves, so that students may have access to these resources for their class assignments. Faculty still needing the recalled book can also request it via Interlibrary Loan or CSU+ instead of waiting until the end of the semester for the book to come off of course reserve.

Reference Materials

Reference materials shelved in the Main Collection stacks on the upper floors or in Main Collection Stored (ASRS) can be borrowed like regular books and checked out at the Guest Services desk. (Call number label designated as “ref”).

Faculty may also checkout reference materials shelved in the Learning Commons and designated with the location "Main Stacks - Learning Commons in OneSearch for a short-term loan (usually 1-3 days), with the approval of the librarian on duty at the Reference Desk in the Learning Commons or the Reference Coordinator or Chair of the RIOS Dept, located in UL 102. Once approved by the librarian, who determines the short -term loan due date, the books must then be checked out and returned at the Library's Guest Services Desk, main floor, lobby.

Overnight Periodical Loan

Another special privilege for faculty is overnight borrowing of periodicals, both bound and unbound. This is intended to allow copying of needed articles using department facilities. Periodicals checked out during the week are due the following day at noon. Periodicals do not circulate over the weekend. If they are checked out on a Friday, they are due that same day 15 minutes before closing. Check out and return periodicals at the Guest Services Desk, main floor, lobby.

Retired and Emeritus Faculty

Tenure track and lecturer faculty retirees designated as eligible by Faculty Affairs, and those faculty retirees who have been granted Emeritus status are entitled to continuing Library privileges. These include the 365-day loan period for book checkouts, remote access to Library databases, Interlibrary Loan, and any special faculty facilities in the Library, such as study carrels, subject to availability. (See: Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures--Sections 600 or 700 of the Administrative Manual).

Responsibilities of Faculty Upon Resignation

Faculty separating from the University and part-time faculty who are not employed for the current semester are expected to return all Library materials. Tenure track and temporary faculty retirees designated as eligible by Faculty Affairs, and those faculty retirees who have been granted Emeritus status retain faculty borrowing privileges as described above and may keep materials checked out that are not yet due or recalled.

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Last Updated: 08/01/2024