Susanna Eng-Ziskin

Reference Librarian

Susanna Eng-Ziskin

Phone: (818) 677-4679
Fax: (818) 677-4136

Susanna Eng-Ziskin

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Librarian, RIOS Department

Collection Development

  • Religious Studies
  • Child & Adolescent Development
  • Asian American Studies

Course Web Pages and Subject Guides

Religious Studies Subject Guide
Asian American Studies Subject Guide
Child & Adolescent Development Subject Guide

Professional Activities and Memberships


Eng-Ziskin, S. (2020). From the Chair. ACRL Instruction Section Semi-Annual Newsletter, 37(1), 1.

Eng-Ziskin, S & Ghouse, N. (2019). From the Chair and Vice-Chair. ACRL Instruction Section Semi-Annual Newsletter, 36(2), 1.

Eng-Ziskin, S. (2019). From the Vice-Chair. ACRL Instruction Section Semi-Annual Newsletter, 36(1), 2.

Sitar, M., & Eng-Ziskin, S. (2018). From the Chair and Vice-Chair. ACRL Instruction Section Semi-Annual Newsletter, 35(2), 1.

Borchard, L., Wimberley, L., Eng-Ziskin, S., & Fidgeon, A. (2018). Should We Shush about the Stereotype? Examining Student-Generated Images of Librarians. Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division, 8(1), 28-53.

Camara, S.K., Eng-Ziskin, S., Wimberley, L., Dabbour, K.S., & Lee, C.M. (2017) Predicting students’ intention to plagiarize: An ethical theoretical framework. Journal of Academic Ethics, (15)1 43-58. doi: 10.1007/s10805-016-9269-3.

Eng-Ziskin, S., & Johnson, J. (2016). iTech in library instruction: Tips and best practices. Library Hi Tech News, 33(1), 9-10. doi:10.1108/LHTN-08-2015-0056.

Hansen, L., & Eng-Ziskin, S. (2011) Creating the right soundtrack: Legal music clips. Online, (35)6, 20-24.

Eng-Ziskin, S., & Embleton, K. (2010) Charitable searching: The cost free way to give back to your community. Searcher. 18(3), 12-15, 53.

Eng, S., & Spector, C. (2007). CSU Northridge transforms its approach to information competence. ESource for College Transitions. 4(5), 11-13.

Gardner, S., & Eng, S. (2006). Web-based resources for anthropology research. Online, 30(6), 25-30.

Gardner, S., & Eng, S. (2005). Gaga over Google? Scholar in the Social Sciences.  Library Hi Tech News, 22(8), 42-45.

Gardner, S., and Eng, S. (2005). What students want: Generation Y and the changing function of the academic library. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 5(3), 405-420.

Eng, S., and Gardner, S. (2005) New assessment technology: The PRS alternative. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(2), 179-183.

Eng, S., and Gardner, S. (2005) Conducting surveys on a shoestring budget. American Libraries 36(2), 38-39.


Van Hoek, M., Drexler, D., Eng-Ziskin, S. (April 2019) “Leading a Common Read Program: New Roles for Academic Librarians.” Presented at the 2019 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference. Cleveland, OH.

Spector, Cheryl, Helen Heinrich, Patrick Bailey, & Susanna Eng-Ziskin (July 2018). “RFY to OMG to A-OK: Weathering the Storm of GI 2025 in Southern California.” Presentation at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities – Academic Affairs Summer Meeting. Seattle, WA.

Borchard, Laurie, Susanna Eng-Ziskin, Laura Wimberley, & Annaliese Fidgeon (June 2018). “Envisioning the Embodied Librarian: Eliciting implicit gender norms through digital creativity.” Poster Presentation. American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Spector, C., Bailey, P., Eng-Ziskin, S., & Heinrich H. (July 2017). "Belonging Intervention for Faculty and Staff: Changing Hearts and Minds" Presentation at AASCU 2017 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

Spector, C., & Eng-Ziskin, S. (February 2017). “”Re-imagining the first year of college”: Year one takeaways” Presentation at the 36th Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. Atlanta, GA. 

Spector, C., Eng-Ziskin, S., & Heinrich, H. (January 2017). “Taking action to build Matador Momentum for CSUN students.” Presentation at the CSUN Faculty Retreat. Northridge, CA. 

Eng-Ziskin, S., & Johnson, J. (June 2016). “Teaching without a harness: Learning to love untethered instruction” Presented at the Library Instruction West Conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

Eng-Ziskin, S., Hansen, L., & Johnson, J. (June 2015) “iThink iCan: Teaching information literacy with iPads” Poster Presentation. American Library Association, San Francisco, CA.

Camara, S., Eng-Ziskin, S., Wimberley, L., Dabbour, K., & Lee, C. (July/August 2015). “Predicting students’ intention to plagiarize?: International considerations and theoretical frameworks,” Presented at the 2015 Biennial World Communication Association Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.

Spector, C., Sena, L.J., Eng-Ziskin, S., Breu,A., & Garera, G.  (February 2014). “Shaping the debate about common reading programs” Presentation at the 33rd Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. San Diego, CA.

Lampert, L, Eng-Ziskin, S., & Martin, C. (June 2012). “Exploring the unmapped information literacy terrain: Planning transitions and programming for future reference, outreach and instructional services,” Presentation at LOEX of the West 2012, Burbank, CA.

Eng-Ziskin, S., Dabbour, K., & Camara, S. (January 2012). “Can we predict students’ intentions to plagiarize?: The theory of reasoned action says we can.” Paper presentation at the 2012 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Bendavid, C., Lerner, E.G., Eng-Ziskin, S., Riccomini, L., & Spector, C. (April 2011). "The new high touch, high tech University 100: Using technology to supplement the freshman seminar," Presented at CSUN Teaching & Learning Byte. Northridge, CA.

Eng, S., & Hansen, L. (May 2009). “Embedded librarian: Out of the library and into your (virtual) classroom,” Presented at the 12th Annual CSU Regional Symposium on University Teaching. San Luis Obispo, CA.

Eng, S., Hansen, L., & Lampert, L. (April 2009). “Beyond the shelves: Faculty –librarian collaboration,” Poster presented at the WASC Academic Resource Conference. Hollywood, CA.

Eng, S., & Spector, C. (February 2007). “Information competence as festival: Working with a first-year experience librarian, Presented at the 26th Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience. Addison, Texas.

Eng, S., & Gardner, S. (April 2005). “Library instruction meets game show technology,” Poster session presented at the 2005 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference. Minneapolis, MN.

Eng, S., Gardner S., Lesinska, S., & Wallis, L. (April 2004). “User assessment: Do-It-Yourself versus commercial models”. Breakout session presented at the 2004 California Association of Research Libraries (CARL) conference. Pasadena, CA.

Eng, S., & Gardner, S.  (May 2003). “Internet plagiarism: methods of discovery and deterrence,” Workshop presented at the annual Conference on Teaching, Learning & Technology. Los Angeles, CA. 


Susanna Eng-Ziskin

Reference Librarian

Susanna Eng-Ziskin

Phone: (818) 677-4679
Fax: (818) 677-4136

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Last Updated: 07/31/2024