What's New at the Oviatt Library: Summer Moves and Renovations

Newsletter Edition: Fall 2018

Contributed by David Morck

Photography and video editing for scholarship video by Library Student Assistant Tim Bochen

It may have seemed like a quiet Summer here on campus, but there was plenty of activity at the Oviatt Library. Big moves and renovations took place including the Teacher Curriculum Center and Music & Media merging into one space, an expansion and renovation of the Library Technology Services area, and preparations for our campus Map Library to migrate into a new space.

floorplans and materials for renovations

Floor plans and materials for the new combined Teacher Curriculum Center and Music & Media departments

One of the largest projects this summer was the merging of two of our departments, The Teacher Curriculum Center and Music & Media. While some services were disrupted during the move, the new space offers a dynamic environment where users of music and film recordings, musical scores and books work alongside users of K-12 curriculum materials and children’s literature. In the reconfigured space, there are comfortable study spaces, and a wide variety of resources both print and non-print, games, kits, and a dedicated space with paper cutters and bindery materials for the creation of instructional materials. Students can take full advantage of the combined space with help from the knowledgeable staff, who have expertise in the combined collections, and are eager to help.

As demand for services focused on digital aspects of scholarship increase, the Library continues to expand services. The interior and exterior of the Library Technology Services area were renovated recently. A new service desk will allow students to engage in walk up service and get support, much like how the Campus IT desk works. The offices and storage area have been reconfigured to allow for more storage of Laptops and Tablets and other technology the service desk checks out. Isis Leininger, Learning Commons Supervisor says the renovation “aims to improve the quality of technology services the Library offers.” She believes “students will have easier access to library computer support and equipment checkout… these improvements to the department will not only allow for better student technology support help, but also will impact student success by providing them with the tools for a successful college career.” With the expansion of the Library Technology Services desk and future plans of an expanded makerspace within the Library, the Oviatt Library is shaping up to be a truly dynamic space where student’s needs, whether digital or analog, can be met.

Library Technology Services

The newly rebranded Library Technology Services area in the Oviatt Library Learning Commons will soon serve students with a greater range and quantity of technology to help student success.

The Teacher Curriculum Center has left the Garden Level of the Library, but it has made room for an exciting addition to our collections. The Map Library, which is currently housed in Sierra Hall, will be moving into the Garden Level of the Library and with it, it brings “400,000 historical and government maps, aerial photographs, atlases, and geospatial data that support research on campus& The Map Library is a comprehensive service point whose staff provides subject expertise in cartographic resources, general and complex reference services, GIS research & technical support, and map cataloging”. -https://www.csun.edu/map-library). We are pleased to welcome the Map collection to the Library and the expert staff into our Library family.

The Library hopes to continue to expand and to adapt to the needs of our students, staff, faculty and community far into the future. Look for more updates about some of our future projects, such as an expanded makerspace and other renovation on our Transforming Library page. As we continue to expand the types and scope of services we provide, we hope the Library is where you can come and Make Your Space.

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Last Updated: 12/10/2024