Thanks & Recognition: Kristin A. Ecklund and Lisle Wenberg

Newsletter Edition: Spring 2018

Kris Ecklund

CSUN Emeritus Librarian Kristin A. Ecklund (Kris)

The Oviatt Library is forever grateful to CSUN Emeritus Librarians Kristin A. Ecklund (Kris) and Lisle Wenberg for their lifelong commitment to enriching library access for students with disabilities. In December 2017, Kris established the Lisle Wenberg Library Disability Services Training Endowment as a way to honor deceased Emeritus Librarian and beloved friend, Lisle Wenberg. Known as the “best of the best” by fellow librarians, Lisle was a leader in supporting the research needs of all students regardless of their disability. She was the first to frequently and routinely assist disabled students with library equipment and coordinate with Disabilities Resources Educational Services (DRES) to better serve students with disabilities.

Lisle worked as a student assistant in the Oviatt Library as a CSUN undergraduate and earned a B.A. in Art in 1964. She later obtained her graduate library degree to accept the vital position of Microform Reference Librarian at her alma mater. Once the Kurzweil reader and other electronic adaptive devices came under her jurisdiction, Lisle trained student assistants to use new technology to efficiently aid other students. She always found a way to help students in the Library overcome obstacles and deliver equitable services and resources. Among student assistants inspired by Lisle was a young man who went on to a 25-year career as a Special Education teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He recalls her “special feeling for special needs people” and remembers how she made her area of responsibility “more user friendly to accommodate the needs of those who needed extra attention and assistance.”

Lisle worked passionately at the Oviatt Library from 1977 until shortly before her death in 2001 from breast cancer, which was a great loss to all who had worked with and been touched by her positive influence. She was not only well-loved and absolutely adored by students and staff, but graciously honored through the generosity of Kris Ecklund with the creation of the Lisle Wenberg Library Disability Services Training Endowment.  The Endowment will provide revenue to support specialized workshops and trainings for Oviatt librarians and staff on how to serve the unique needs of students with disabilities. Trainings will focus on speakers highly trained in delivering disability services for libraries with the goal of helping library employees more effectively deliver library literacy information services to students with disabilities.

We are honored and thankful at the Oviatt to receive this distinctive gift to enable specialized support to best serve CSUN students.

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Last Updated: 12/09/2024