What's New and On the Move at the Oviatt Library

Newsletter Edition: Spring 2018

Figure of Santa Muerta

Materials from the Oviatt Library's Teacher Curriculum Center

Contributed by Library Web Services Coordinator Elizabeth Altman

This month the Library is hosting a student-curated exhibition featuring sources drawn almost entirely from the Oviatt Library’s collections. Queertonal highlights the important narratives of queer and trans musicians, raising questions about the connections between sexuality and creativity, and the challenges unique to queer-identifying musicians and composers. This exhibit is organized and curated by graduating student David Osorio-Vera. Come see how you can listen to music differently in Music & Media, 2nd Floor East Wing, through May 18, 2018.

The Library is continuing to grow through renovation projects and additions that will be underway through the end of the year. First, the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center Collections have become part of Special Collections & Archives.  The Bradley Center’s collections, which include over one million photographic images that document the social, cultural and political lives of the diverse communities in Southern California from the early 20th century on, will be moving into Special Collections stacks this summer.   Users will be able to request and view archive materials in the Special Collections & Archives Reading Room on the 2nd floor.

Also during the summer, the Music & Media area will undergo renovations to make room for the Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC), which includes the Dr. Karin J. Duran Teacher Curriculum Center Collection and the Sharon Fogarty Young Reader’s Collection, both of which are moving up from the Garden level.  The result will be a dynamic environment where users of music and film recordings, and music scores and books, will work alongside users of K-12 curriculum materials and children’s literature in comfortable study spaces, with support from staff knowledgeable about both collections.

In Spring 2019, the Library will welcome the Oviatt Library Map Collection, which while administratively already part the Library, will be moving from Sierra Hall to the Garden Level area vacated by the Teacher Curriculum Center.  The Map Collection is international in scope and covers the world's major regions with particular emphasis on maps of southern California, Los Angeles, and the San Fernando Valley. Included are historical road and tourist maps, topographic maps of the United States, WWII maps from the Army Map Service, U.S. Forest Service maps, geologic and bathymetric maps, and maps from the Bureau of Land Management.  Starting next spring, users will be able to consult the Map Collection conveniently in the Oviatt Library during more extended hours.

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Last Updated: 12/10/2024