Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum

3Duino Challenge

Mar 15, 2018 8:00am to May 4, 2018 6:00pm
University Library: Creative Maker Studio

3duino Challenge Flyer

The Oviatt Library, in partnership with WISE, HKN Honor Society, and the IEEE CSUN Student Branch, is hosting an Arduino/3D Printing Competition. Students from all majors can compete to win money, Arduino kits, and spots to show off their creations at the Regional Southern California MakerSpace Festival.

Contest Information

Participants will complete one of the following two challenges using an Arduino kit and 3D printed parts:

  1. Smart Home Challenge
  2. Bridging a Gap Challenge

Challenge Details

  • Participants may check out Arduino kits at the Creative Media Studio from March 15th through March 29th. Kits must be returned by April 30th.
  • 3D Printing may be done at the Creative Media Studio.
  • Completed projects must be submitted by April 24th to be eligible for the Regional Southern California MakerSpace Festival showcase on April 28th.
  • Winners will be announced at a culminating event being held in the Library’s Ferman Presentation Room on May 4th at 4:30pm. RSVP below!
  • All submissions will be judged in a variety of categories such as innovation, originality, ingenuity, and complexity.


Participants who need help getting started, may attend an introductory workshop. The introductory workshop will be offered on two different dates and will be divided in 3 segments: competition guidelines, introduction to Arduino and components, and introduction to 3D modeling/printing. Snacks will be provided to those who attend.

Competition Intro Workshop dates:

  • Thursday, March 15th 5-7pm
  • Wednesday, April 4th 10am-12pm

In addition to the workshops, Creative Media Studio staff, HKN, and IEEE students will be available to assist with Arduino programming and 3D modeling/printing.


WISE and the Oviatt Library will award the following prizes for each of the challenges (Smart Home and Bridging a Gap):

  • 1st place: $200 in gift cards, Arduino kit, certificate of participation.
  • 2nd place: $100 in gift cards, Arduino kit, certificate of participation.
  • 3rd place: $50 in gift cards, certificate of participation.

In addition, the top participants have their submissions showcased at the Oviatt Library's booth at the Regional Southern California MakerSpace Festival..

The Bonita J. Campbell Endowment for Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) will donate an Arduino kit to the first team to sign up with at least one female group member.

Participant Eligibility

CSUN students of all majors. Faculty or staff, feel free to share with students. High School students from Northridge Academy H.S. and Granada Hills H.S. who wish to participate must have a CSUN student team leader. You may participate in the challenge as an individual or as a team. Come to either of the workshops or email us at if you want help finding teammates.

Awards Ceremony RSVP Form

Event will be held in Oviatt Library Room 265 (2nd floor, by the Library Exhibit Gallery) May 4th at 4:30pm. 

Assistive Services

Requests for accommodation services (e.g. sign language interpreters or transcribers) must be made at least five (5) business days in advance. Please email in advance of the event.

Mar 12

Beyond Mango Street: Updating and Diversifying Your 6-12 Curriculum
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Last Updated: 02/11/2025