California Voter Forum: Get to Know the Ballot
Oct 30, 2018 11:00am - 1:30pm
University Library: Jack & Florence Ferman Presentation Room
Our lead story this issue, “People Are Talking about What She Said” commemorates the opening event of the Special Collections & Archives exhibition on women's civic and community engagement. Attending the event, we were very moved by the struggle our foremothers faced in gaining the right to vote, a struggle that people all over the world, including in some parts of this country, still must contend with in order to get to the ballot box. Your vote is precious, and so we’d like to take this opportunity to call attention to what we’re doing at the Library to engage voters as the midterm elections approach:
Vote by Mail Drop-off Ballot Box. From Tuesday, October 9th to Tuesday, November 6th for the November 6, 2018 General Elections, the Oviatt Library will host a Vote By Mail Drop-off ballot box, which will be available at the Guest Services Desk during regular library hours. Find out more about the Ballot Box
California Voter Forum: Get to Know the Ballot. The library is teaming up with students in the Departments of Journalism and Communication Studies to raise awareness about the issues at stake and deconstruct the campaign messaging that bombards us before an election. This event takes place in two sessions:
News Salon. In celebration of National Media Literacy Week… Get News Literate! Hang out with students in Jour365 - News Literacy to discuss and exchange ideas about politics, culture, and the arts in the Oviatt Library Learning Commons. November 08 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
The deadline to register to vote in California in the upcoming midterm is October 22. Don’t miss your opportunity to make your voice heard!
Gina Flores
David Morck
Elizabeth Altman
Assistive Services
Requests for accommodation services (e.g. sign language interpreters or transcribers) must be made at least five (5) business days in advance. Please email in advance of the event.