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Poem of the Day 2018 Archive


April 30

This Hair -- Tennya Smith

Is rooted like the days and the 
times that our ancestors traveled the 
smudgy brown road to freedom.
It does not conform and fights with endless
It is an ocean’s wavelength extended and 
curved in the turquoise ramparts. 
It is the yes to the no I have been told time 
and time again. 
So yes I will be proud.
So yes I will let it be shown. 
So yes I will never be ashamed of the color 
on my bones. 
This hair is a representation of truth, 
a representation of a love, 
a representation of the life that’s been lived 
before me,
in fear. 
This hair is light.
This hair is truth. 
This hair is me.  

April 27

mon chéri -- Sabrina Hetzel

relapse of lust 
a pearlized look

nectar you breathe
laid bare in ashy lungs

an earthen composition 
confesses every sun beam's scar

fingertips unravel 
a primrose path to 
labyrinths of 
a sorrowed soul 
switchbacks of goodwill, 
the foundation of 
your nurtured heart.

April 23

The Investion -- Andres Sanchez

How do you expect to find someone with a heart full of gold,
When all that person ever does is wear it on their neck.
If you’re looking for that golden touch, Midas well invest in me.
Now i’m not saying i’m the best for you but i’m damn sure saying that i’ll give YOU the best of
Is this fate or is this destiny?
This is just a call a tell you shawty…
Just invest in me.

April 20

Farewell Poem -- Jeisy Henriquez

He closed his eyes to never open them again 
And like a candle his life quickly faded away. 
The pain I felt shattered me 
Like a bullet does to a fragile sheet of glass. 
Now though his heart has rhythm no more 
He still dwells in my memories and in my heart.

April 19

bloom -- Anna Cho

I’m so afraid
of being something to you
I give myself unnecessary meaning
so you’d feel obligated to keep me

what I have inside me is nothing more than dirt
simple and plain like a small house plant
but you watered me, showered me,
praised me, then neglected me

and though your dull eyes watched on
as you threw my crumbling leaves away
don’t you know?
I was still trying to live, still hoping to grow

yet time flew on
and you cared less about me
you lost sight of what you loved
and I could’ve bloomed without it

April 18

Open -- ashlee mchenry

Sweats reflects TV images,
in High Def blue,
from my kneecaps.

Thrusting fat,
exchanging body
parts, for art.

Sharing liquids
out of pleasure
is advertising.

Sounds of heavy
breathing in speaker quality
my legs are transitioning.

You are end-credits,
a blacked out screen.

April 16

Enigma -- Brianna Taylor

Walking around thinking about how to restructure my bookshelf
I’ve learned a little about myself.
You may think you know me
However, you truly don’t have a clue.
Listening to my stories
That I am sure you’ll misconstrue.
The “me” you know could really just be my alias
Because the many layers of me, come out so spontaneous.
I am complex and can have you by the hook.
I am similar to a book.
I have all these pages of me
That you will probably never read.
Because you'll be the last one to know about me
Before me.

April 12

Springtime Beings -- Xavier Fierro

The morning has come and gone,
Now I lay here in the afternoon relaxing,
Looking up to the sky from the comfort of my lawn.
There’s only a few clouds dancing above,
Beneath them the birds fly gracefully,
Every pigeon, every falcon, every dove.
I find peace and solace in this springtime bliss,
As I can see plants re-growing and taking color,
Even the sun gently touches down to give your skin a kiss.
Many beings at play during this time,
Younglings take on the world two-legged and four,
Take a deep breath and smell the rosemary, sages, and thyme.
As I lay here there is so much happening around me,
I do not speak I only think,
And I feel spiritually as tall as a grand Yosemite Sequoia tree.
This is because being a part of this Earth is a blessing,
As there are so many beautiful aspects in being alive,
It is our duty to preserve and protect our fellow beings.
The birds, the bees, the trees, the water, the flowers, the animals, everything.


April 11

Shhhhh? -- Kathy Dabbour

In search of quiet,
the Oviatt beckons me.
“Medium iced coffee with room”!

April 10

My Body -- Ileen Esquivel

But if I gave you my hands could you feel the weight of each pill,
      could you feel the blood drip down from the blade,
      could you feel the hands of the ground grab you?
If I gave you my heart could you feel each panic that felt like a heart attack,
      could you feel your heart drowning trying to breathe underwater?
If I gave you my feet could you run without falling?
If I gave you my eyes could you see my reality?
If I gave you my lips could you scream for help?
If I gave you my mind could you escape?

April 9

Woman -- Karla J. Rodriguez

I fell in love with a woman
    Her name is earth,
In her eyes I found galaxies
    On her spirit the air.
In her veins runs water
She feeds the universe.

I fell in love with a woman
    Her heart holds the sun.
I drank from her fountain
    Left on her lips my soul.
Her brain is the moon,
Solid and cold
But the way she loves
makes any martian feel home.

I fell in love with a woman
Perhaps she’ll never know.
I’m from a planet away,
A planet where our hearts
Turn cold.
But I’ll care for you, Earth,
Wherever I go.

I fell in love with a woman,
And I am woman.
We both are gold.


April 6

Unveil Me -- Laura Perez

The scene reflected
Cool pools of water
Tranquil and silent
But underneath lies
Love and warmth
Waiting to be discovered