Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender
The Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender was established by former CSUN faculty member Vern Bullough in 1973. Its purpose is to document social attitudes and studies of sex and gender from ancient times to the present, in support of CSUN curricula and research. Bullough also established an endowment that supports the library in continuing to build the collection, and funds special programming relating to sex, gender, and the campus community.
The collection is comprised of books, periodicals, manuscripts, and archival materials. The majority of materials in the Bullough Collection are in Special Collections and Archives, though there are some items in other parts of the library.
Publications that are a part of the Bullough Collection, including newspapers and periodicals, can be found in the OneSearch.
Archival materials in the Bullough Collection can be found by browsing the list below, or searching our finding aids.
- Mariette Pathy Allen Collection, 1991-2004
- Vern L. Bullough Papers, 1829-2007
- Bonnie Bullough Collection, 1954-2000
- Cross Dressing Newsletters Collection, 1974-2001
- Jan Dailey and John Money Correspondence Collection, 1979-1996
- Len Evans Collection, 1941-1996
- Flagellation Collection, 1936-1967
- Gay Greeting Card Collection
- Harris-Wheeler Collection, 1870-1920
- Homosexual Information Center Card File Collection, 1954-1995
- Homosexual Information Center Subject Files Collection, 1933-2005
- Dale Jennings Scrapbook Collection, 1950-1996
- Christine Jorgensen Cross Dressing Correspondence Collection, 1953
- Aristide J. Laurent Collection, 1967-2000
- Carole Marks Collection, 1975-1976
- Floyd M. Martinson Collection, 1940-2000
- Society for the Second Self (Tri-Ess) Records, 1977-2004
- Stanley Fleishman Collection, 1943-1999
- Transgender Resources Collection, 2000-2014
- Venereal Disease Program Scrapbook, 1936-1941
- Victoria Lynn Johnson Collection, 1977
- Virginia Prince Papers, 1930-1980