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Copyright Notice for Course Reserves

The following safeguards are in effect to ensure that the California State University, Northridge, University Library Course Reserve Services is in compliance with the United States Copyright Law (U.S.C. 17).

  1. Only materials currently in use by teachers and students in a class at the University are made available electronically.
  2. Access to electronic reserves is granted only after two levels of authentication. The first verifies that the user is a currently enrolled CSUN student using their portal log-in. The second verifies that they are enrolled in the class in which the electronic reserves are available by having professors add them to their Learning Management System (Canvas). Students not enrolled in the class should be denied access to the items, or the items should be removed if non-enrolled students are accessing the LMS.
  3. Students are shown the following statement on all electronic items:

Notice: This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)

Pursuant to the federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code), it is preemptively unlawful to reproduce, distribute, or publicly display any copyrighted work (or any substantial portion thereof) without the permission of the copyright owner. The statute, however, recognizes a fair use defense that has the effect of excusing an act of copyright infringement. It is the intention of the Library to act within the parameters of the fair use defense in allowing limited posting of copyrighted materials in Electronic Course Reserve areas such as this one. It is the intention of the Library, moreover, that such materials be made available solely for the purposes of private study, scholarship, and research, and that any further reproduction of such materials by students, by printing or downloading, be limited to such purposes. Any further reproduction of copyrighted materials made from this computer system may be in violation of copyright laws and is prohibited.

Further information on electronic reserves and fair use may be found at the American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries statement on fair use and electronic reserves page.

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Last Updated: 06/25/2024