Fair Use

Understanding copyright policy and ‘fair use’ guidelines

The University Library follows the four ‘Fair Use’ guidelines when accepting items for reserve. We consider:

  1. The purpose and character of the usage
  2. The total amount of the work used
  3. The nature of the work
  4. The effect on the potential market through the use of the copyrighted work

To review the United States Copyright Laws (Title 17, U.S. Code) please visit

To review the United States Limitations on Exclusive Rights: Fair Use (Section 107) please visit

For the University Library’s Fair Use Guide, please visit https://libguides.csun.edu/copyright

For further reading on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act please visit

For further information regarding California State University Northridge’s Copyright policy for Online Instruction, please visit http://www.csun.edu/online/Pedagogy_Copyright.htm

For further information on getting copyright permission for use in classrooms or on reserve, please visit

For further reading on Fair Use, please view Fair Use of Copyrighted Works: A Crucial Element in Educating America

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Last Updated: 05/16/2024