Reserve Request Form

(This form is for use by faculty)

Please see How to Place Materials on Reserve before completing the form below. Printable form (requires Adobe Reader). Note: Streaming video requests must use streaming video request form.

Select processing department *
Instructor and Course Information
Reserve Loan Period Desired

Five years is the maximum length any physical item may be on reserve. Professors must contact CR/CR at the end of the five years to extend the course reserve for another five years. Reserves that expire will be returned to professors or to the Library main stacks.

Items To Put On Reserve

For library-owned items, please include the call number. To request new book and ebook purchases for reserve, please include the ISBN. For DVDs/CDs, please provide a link.

Author * Title * Edition or Year * Call Number/ISBN * Additional Information Operations
Instructor Agreement
I have read, understand, and will follow the University Library’s reserve policy and copyright guidelines. I assume responsibility for the copyright compliance of all reproduced materials placed on reserve on my behalf.
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Last Updated: 07/28/2024