Library Code of Conduct

REVISED June 5, 2024

The University Library provides collections, technology, services, information literacy and library research instruction, spaces, and programming guided by the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and social justice, in support of student success, research, innovation, and community engagement. Furthermore, the Library values freedom of expression as a cornerstone of a democratic society and essential to the educational process, while recognizing it is also limited by and exists within the context of policies and procedures established pursuant to California Laws and Regulations, and other governing entities, which provide for the orderly and efficient use of its building and resources.

A. General Policies

  1. Library resources and services primarily focus on the information needs of current CSUN students, faculty (including emeritus), and staff; and as a selective Federal and State of California government depository, the Library supports all users of government publications, the majority of which are freely available online. To ensure proper resource management, alumni, visitors, and community members may have limited access to some resources and services during busier times of the year
  2. All users must follow Library and University rules and policies in addition to local, state, and federal laws and regulations. See section E. Standards below.
  3. All prohibited behaviors, uses, and protections of the Library building, facilities, furnishings, collections, and equipment listed below apply to the interior and/or exterior of the CSUN University Library.
  4. Non-compliance with the CSUN University Library Rules & Code of Conduct can lead to loss of Library privileges, and/or reports to the Offices of Student Conduct, Equity and Compliance, and/or CSUN Police Services.

B. Prohibited Behaviors

  1. No weapons of any kind (including replicas); no smoking/vaping, and no displaying or consuming tobacco products, illicit or illegal drugs, cannabis products, or alcoholic beverages.
  2. No sexual behavior allowed, including misconduct, such as indecent exposure, lewd acts, harassment, touching, or assault, either with or without consent.
  3. The CSU Information Security Responsible Use Policy prohibits viewing of graphics or text which may reasonably be construed as obscene by community standards on state computer property, except for "legitimate medical, scientific, or academic purposes." (D.2.j). Furthermore: Section 311 (a) of the California Penal Code describes as Obscene " …  matter, taken as a whole, that to the average person, applying contemporary statewide standards, appeals to the prurient interest, that, taken as a whole, depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and that, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."
    1. The Library may request the user viewing such materials on Library computers in sight of employees or other users who complain to: close the screen showing such materials, move to another area/space, or leave the Library.
    2. Child Pornography: Any act of knowingly producing, possessing, or distributing images depicting minors under the age of 18 engaged in sexual activities is illegal under the California Penal Code whether on your personal device or Library system.
    3. Exposing minors to harmful materials: "every person who...exhibits... any harmful matter to a minor shall be punished" under the California Penal Code, whether on your personal device or Library system.
    4. See California Penal Code Sections 313-313.5 for more information
  4. No disruptive, disrespectful, discriminatory, or harassing behavior, either in-person, by phone, email, social media, or other electronic means, directed toward library employees or users.
  5. No violating Library noise policies.
  6. No disruption or interference with Library operations, including: obstructing pedestrian traffic or building access for persons with disabilities; refusing to adhere to posted library hours, or study room use policies; no blocking exits or walkways inside/outside the Library, no using emergency exits without an evacuation in progress. See CSUN Interim Policy on Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression and the Use of Campus Buildings and Grounds (sections 6.1.2.A-D).
  7. No commercial soliciting inside or outside the Library such as selling goods or services, unless approved by Campus Licensing and Library Administration.
  8. Solicitation for the purposes of persuasion, gathering signatures on petitions, and requesting donations of money and goods is allowed, subject to the limitations set forth in B4 thru B7 above.
  9. No bare feet or uncovered upper or lower torso; no excessive body or clothing odors, dirt, filth, insects or pests, etc. of one's person or belongings that creates an uncomfortable, unsafe, or unhealthy environment for library employees or other users.
  10. No wearing or spraying of highly scented products, such as perfume, cologne, or air fresheners.
  11. No unaccompanied minors (under 18 years old) are allowed in the Library, unless enrolled as students at CSUN or otherwise authorized to be on campus.
  12. No animals are allowed in the Library unless the animal is a service dog, or a service miniature horse, that meets certain standards for size and behaviors, and meets the criteria described in ADA Service Animals, i.e., trained to perform a task directly related to a person's disability, or is approved in advance by Library Administration and the CSUN Office of Risk Management.
    1. Emotional support or comfort dogs are not service animals under ADA, "because providing emotional support or comfort is not a task related to a person's disability."
    2. Animals not meeting ADA guidelines, or a service dog or miniature horse that is not housebroken, or is out of control and the person cannot get the dog or miniature horse under control, must be removed from the Library by the owner, and may not be left unattended outside the Library.
  13. No unattended belongings: The Library is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property, including borrowed library materials left unattended. File a report with CSUN Police Services to report theft or vandalism: (818) 677-2111.
    1. Library-owned items that are checked out to a user on their MataCard, Campus ID Card, or CSUN Library Card, and are lost or stolen are still the responsibility of the cardholder, and should be promptly reported to Library Guest Services at (818) 677-2274.

C. Use and Protection of Library Building & Facilities

  1. No distribution or posting of brochures, leaflets, fliers, signs, posters, etc., inside the Library, including affixing to or displaying on the Library's walls, doors, windows (both interior and exterior), or on furnishings, without prior approval from Library Administration.
    1. All such postings will be immediately removed and tossed in the trash/recycled.
    2. Instead, posting of print materials approved by the Matador Involvement Center on designated bulletin boards on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Library is encouraged.
  2. No graffiti, vandalism, or defacement of any part of the Library building or its contents. [Title 14. Malicious Mischief, Cal. Penal Code § 594 et seq.]
  3. No lodging or camping inside or outside the Library, including use of the Library with the express purpose of sleeping. See CSUN Interim Policy on Time, Place and Manner of Free Expression and the Use of Campus Buildings and Grounds (sections 6.3.3.E.i and 6.3.3.E.ii).
  4. No littering, willfully causing the overflow of toilets and sinks, or other actions that could negatively impact the Library building, its facilities and furnishings, or other resources.
  5. No using library restrooms or water fountains for bathing, shaving, or washing clothing. Loitering in the restrooms is prohibited.
  6. No manually or electrically propelled skateboards, scooters, roller skates, or bicycles; no shopping carts or other wheeled vehicles or conveyances inside or outside the Library.
    1. Exceptions: Wheelchairs or other wheeled conveyances for persons with disabilities, strollers holding human children, rolling backpacks, shopping totes, suitcases, and carts or dollies used to transport authorized goods and materials are allowed.
  7. No appropriating Library meeting spaces, furnishings, computer labs, study rooms/tables/seating, lounge/eating areas, etc. with the intention of holding classes, meetings, events, and other activities by CSUN students/employees, community members, or commercial entities, except for individual and group study rooms reserved by CSUN students, or spaces otherwise approved for use by Library Administration. See: CSUN Interim Policy on Time, Place and Manner of Free Expression and the Use of Campus Buildings and Grounds.
  8. No filming is allowed inside and immediately outside the Library, including video and still photography, except for the following:
    1. For class assignments, CSUN or non-CSUN students must obtain permission from University Licensing. See Student Film Shoots for more information.
    2. For commercial projects, permissions and arrangements must be obtained from University Licensing Filming and Venues.
    3. For news organizations, contact CSUN Media Relations at (818) 677-2130 for assistance.

D. Use and Protection of Library Collections and Equipment

  1. Library materials and equipment may only be removed from the Library based on a user's CSUN status, item circulation policy, and proper identification (MataCard, CSUN ID card, CSUN Library courtesy card).
  2. No sharing of Library cards or checking out materials or equipment on behalf of another person without prior authorization from Library Administration. All items checked out on a user's MataCard, CSUN Library card, or CSUN ID card are the responsibility of that user, including payment of replacement or damage fees.
  3. Deliberately concealing, mutilating, or damaging Library materials or equipment is a misdemeanor (California Education Code Section 19910), will incur repair or replacement fees, and may lead to loss of Library privileges.
  4. Users of the Library's computers, peripheral equipment, and electronic resources must comply with the CSU Information Security Responsible Use Policy.
  5. Users are responsible for adhering to copyright laws related to photocopying, scanning, downloading, printing, etc., of any Library print or electronic resources. See Library Copyright and Use Policy.

E. Standards

The University Library Code of Conduct is based upon and/or encompasses but is not limited to applicable CSUN, CSU, local government, State of California, and Federal policies, executive orders, rules, ordinances, codes, and regulations, including:

Contact Information: For further information, contact Library Administration during business hours at 818-677-2271.

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Last Updated: 08/13/2024