Library Copyright and Use Policies

University Library Web Content

Where not otherwise indicated, the content displayed on the University Library websites (including the Library Homepage, the Digital Library, and the Finding aids in the Online Archive of California) are copyrighted by California State University, Northridge.

Users of these sites may copy content from its pages (excluding any material for which California State University, Northridge does not hold copyright) without permission for educational, personal, or non-commercial purposes. The California State University Northridge, University Library must be acknowledged in the copy.

Any public domain material embedded in this site may, of course, be used without permission.

We welcome links to our site. You are free to establish a hypertext link to any University Library web page as long as the link does not state or imply any sponsorship of your site by California State University, Northridge or the University Library.

Using Library Materials

University Copyright Policy

The Office of the President has issued a Copyright Policy document to remind individual users of their responsibility to comply with copyright law: California State University, Northridge Policy on Copyrighted Material(PDF).

University Library Copyright Team

For questions regarding copyright and policies related to the areas of: Course Reserves, Music, Video streaming, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Digital Publishing, Open Access, Fair Use, TEACH Act, and so on, please feel free to contact the members of the University Library Copyright Team.

For more information see University Library ©-Team: Navigating Copyright for Digital Media and Online Education poster (PDF).

The Copyright team is:

Notice to Copyright Holders

The University Library has made every effort to secure permission to use the work of others on this site. Any use of materials created by other individuals or institutions on this site is the result of explicit permission having been given by the copyright holder, or a good faith belief (following investigation) that the work is in the public domain, or a determination that incorporation of the work constitutes "Fair Use" for purposes of research and scholarship under U.S. copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17 §107). If you are a copyright claimant with regard to any work used on this site, and you object to our use of it, please contact the Library Webmaster.

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Last Updated: 07/12/2024