Remnants of Resistance: Research is a Space for Reconnecting
March 07, 2025
As part of the One Institute's Circa Queer Histories Festival, CSUN's University
Library and Queer Studies Program have partnered to produce a second season
of the Remnants of Resistance podcast. Episodes feature interviews with CSUN
faculty, and will delve into unique and hidden queer stories uncovered by their
Read a transcript.
About the Episode
Join Heidi Schumacher and Ellen Jarosz as they interview Dr. Luis Esparza about his recent
article published in Border-Lines, “Desde La Preferia de La Milpa: Testimonios de Joteria Rural
de Los Ranchos y Pueblos del Sur de Mexico."
About the Guest
Luis Osbaldo Esparza is an Assistant Professor of Queer Studies and Chicana/o Studies at California State University Northridge. His research centers decolonial theories and methodologies, de-centralizing European ways of knowing as 'universal knowledge' and centering subaltern and indigenous epistemologies. His primary areas of focus include the testimonios of rural Jotería de los ranchos y los pueblos, Queer Indigenous studies, Afro-Jotería history, and Queer subversive complicity. His most recent project involves his transnational activism in Mexico. He has published scholarly and creative works in various journals including Border-Lines, Chamisa and Regeneracion.
More Reading
- Guillermo Núñez Noriega, Just Between Us: An Ethnography of Male Identity and
Intimacy in Rural Communities of Northern Mexico. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona
Press, 2014. Find it at your local library | Buy a copy - Works by Xamuel Bañales Find them at your local library
- Works by Anita Tijerina-Revilla Find them at your local library | Buy copies
- Richard S. Trexler, Sex and Conquest: Gendered Violence, Political Order, and the
European Conquest of the Americas. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997. Find it at CSUN | Buy a copy - Michael Roy Hames-Garcia, Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 2011. Find it at CSUN | Buy a copy - Works by Peter Herman Sigal Find them at your local library
- Federico Garza Carvajal. Butterflies Will Burn: Prosecuting Sodomites in Early Modern
Spain and Mexico. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2003. Find it at CSUN
| Buy a copy
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Post tagged as: remnants of resistance, circa queer histories festival
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