Virtual Reality

Student using a virtual reality headset

Step Into Reality... Virtual Reality!

Made available to facilitate student engagement in new digital media, the Creative Maker Studio's VR services are the perfect outlet for students to experiment with new technology and interact with new realities.

In the meantime, students can still reserve the CMS Virtual Reality Room to use with an Oculus (META) Quest all-in-one VR headset and controllers. The headset kit is available for 3-hour checkout and will be loaned to students who book the VR Room. If you are not familiar with the VR equipment, a CMS Student Assistant can help you get started, just ask!


Reserve the Virtual Reality Room up to two weeks in advance. Reservations are only available during open CMS service desk hours.

  • Students can book up to a maximum of 3-hours per day, 12 hours per week.
  • For a no-show during the first 10 minutes of the reservation, the first hour of the reservation is canceled.
  • If the student does not show up within 60 minutes of the start of the original reservation, all of the remaining reserved time slots are canceled.

Room Key and Equipment Check Out

Students must visit the Creative Maker Studio Desk before each reservation to check out the room key and necessary equipment for 3-hours. To use the room with Oculus (META) Quest VR, check out the VR headset and controllers for 3-hours at the CMS desk.

Note: If the room key or related equipment is returned late, CMS multimedia checkout policies apply.

All patrons must sign an Equipment Loan Agreement form before checking out a room key and related equipment for the first time. Save time and fill out the Equipment Loan Agreement Form electronically on AdobeSign before coming in.

Tips and Tricks for the Oculus (META) Quest

  • When putting the headset on, you can adjust the tightness using the side Velcro straps.
  • The lens focus is adjustable using the slider on the bottom left of the headset.
  • Volume controls are on the bottom right of the headset.
  • Students who wear glasses should position them comfortably before putting the headset on.
  • The lenses can sometimes get dirty. You can gently clean them with the microfiber cloth located in the room or inside the kit.


  • Students using the VR headsets are REQUIRED to wear a disposable VR sanitary face mask located in the room.
  • Students using the VR controllers are REQUIRED to secure the safety straps on their wrists.
  • Students must stay within the taped play area inside the VR Room.
  • A maximum of 4 people may be in the room at a time.
  • There is no food or open drinks allowed inside the room. Only water is allowed inside enclosed bottles.
  • 15-minute padding will be placed at the beginning and end of your booking to allow sufficient time for cleaning and drying.
  • Repeated no-shows or failure to comply with established policies may result in suspension of CMS privileges and/or other Library privileges.
  • The CMS is not responsible for the security of personal items.
  • Any items left in the room may be removed by CMS staff and placed in the Library's lost and found.
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Last Updated: 07/05/2024