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Peek in the Stacks

bartender illustration

When passage of the 18th Amendment in 1919 ushered in the era of Prohibition in the United States, an English bartender named Harry Craddock, who had mixed drinks at the Hollenden Hotel in Cleveland, OH and the Knickerbocker Hotel in New York City, left the US and returned to the UK so he continue working in his chosen profession...  

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Cover of Die Transvestiten

The history of psychological research on nonbinary individuals is a history of writing about these folks, making them the object of study. While key sexologists and researchers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries such as Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirschfeld, and Richard von Krafft-Ebing made claims viewed as progressive in their own times, their work also spurred...

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Detail of the cover art from Unknown Vol. 1 no. 6 featuring an illustration of L. Ron Hubbard's "The Ghoul." Cover art by Graves Gladney., P1 .U554

In 1933, Street & Smith acquired Astounding Stories, one of the first pulp magazines to center the genre of science-fiction as its twenty-cent selling point. In the following years “John W. Campbell would join the editorial staff of Astounding Stories in September 1937, replacing F. Orlin Tremaine as editor in 1938 when Tremaine became editorial director.....

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ActUp Newsletter article by Michael Puente

The ancestors call: “Divas to the Dance Floor, Please!” The siren song of the dance floor beckons Queer Brown bodies to our Church, our sacred space, our Home…to dance, to make community, to hunt or be hunted…yet an unknown presence is making itself known in the bathhouses, the back rooms, and the sex clubs...  

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