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Creative Maker Studio

Main Floor West Wing

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(818) 677-2595

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Creative Maker Studio Item Renewal Guide

Two-week equipment checkouts may be renewed online through the process below for an additional two weeks. Otherwise, items must be returned on or before the due date to the Creative Maker Studio during service desk operating hours.

Items not Eligible for Renewal

  • Items with an active hold list
  • 3-Hour checkout items
  • Overdue items with a potential fee or if you have an active fee on your account.

See Reasons for NOT RENEWABLE below.

Steps for Renewal

  1. If you are an active student, go to OneSearch and click "Sign In" on the top right corner to log in to your Library account.*

    OneSearch Login Link
  2. Click on the option "Student and employee login" on the pop up menu.

    Login popup menu
  3. Log in with your CSUN portal account information. You may need to confirm the log in with DUO multifactor authentication.

    CSUN Portal login
  4. Once you are logged in, choose "My Loans" under your name on the top right drop down menu.

    My Loans link in patron menu
  5. Here you will see a list of your Active Loans. To renew, click any item that has the "RENEW" icon. If the item is not renewable, you will see the status "NOT RENEWABLE" (See Reasons for NOT RENEWABLE below).

    Active Loans list
  6. If the item was successfully renewed, you will see the status "RENEWED" with the new due date of 2-weeks from today's date for CMS items and LTS Calculators.

    Successful item renewed message
  7. If the item shows as renewable but you receive the error message, "The due date is already set to the renewed due date" or "Not Renewed" when attempting to renew, this means that your renewal date cannot be extended past the current due date because:
    1. You already renewed the item to the maximum 28-day period
    2. You already renewed the item two weeks from today's date

Reasons for "NOT RENEWABLE"

Hover over the padlock icon to see the reason for the block.

  1. If the two-week loan item you have checked out has a hold list, it cannot be renewed for an additional two weeks and must be returned by the due date.

    Item on hold list
  2. If you have an active library fee over $9.99, hover over the icon to see the amount owed.

    Cannot renew if exceeded limit of $9.99

    In order to renew your item, you must pay off the library fee first before you can renew. To do this, select the "FEES" menu option and click on the "Pay" link to see directions on how to pay off your fee online with a credit/debit card or go to the Storefront directly.

    Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the payment to be processed and for any holds to be removed.

    Fees screen with link to Storefront to make payment
  3. If the item shows as "NOT RENEWABLE" because the item is now overdue you will see the potential fee listed above the due date. The fee in red will display above the affected item.d.

    In order to renew your item, you must pay off the library fee first before you can renew. To do this, select the "FEES" menu option and click on the "Pay" link to see directions on how to pay off your fee online with a credit/debit card or go to the Storefront directly.

    Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the payment to be processed and for any holds to be removed.

    Overdue items with potential fee

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Creative Maker Studio at (818) 677-2595 or visit us in person during service desk operating hours.

* If your CSUN account is expired, you will be unable to access OneSearch to view active loans and fees.

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Last Updated: 07/07/2024