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Peek in the Stacks

artists' rendering of new space

This summer, Special Collections and Archives is beginning a two phase renovation project. We'll be posting monthly updates here about the the project throughout the summer. When both phases are complete, Special Collections and Archives will have a new, environmentally controlled and secure closed stacks area for our rare books, artifacts, and archival collections ....

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Cover, Behind My Own Disguise

Artists' books have been produced around the world and across artistic disciplines for nearly 200 years, but weren't established as an official book (or art!) genre until the 1970s. Simply defined, artists’ books can be thought of as unique works of art in book format—though they do tend to challenge traditional concepts of what constitutes a "book." Often constructed from unusual materials, some artists' books in the library's collection are made from rubber, metal, plastic, fabric, and wood, as well as remarkable handmade papers ...

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Illustration,"Satan alarmed, collecting all his might, dilated stood," Paradise Lost

John Milton was a seventeenth century English poet whose works have greatly influenced the literary world. Milton wrote poetry and prose between 1632 and 1674, and is most famous for his epic poetry. Special Collections and Archives holds a variety of Milton's major works, including Paradise Lost ....

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War is a Crime, anti-war campaign photo

Reverend Wendell L. Miller was a Los Angeles minister and political activist who strongly believed that the church should play a major role in the social and political agenda of its community. In 1937, Miller became involved in Los Angeles politics, holding community-wide meetings to address gambling, prostitution, and corruption in local government. Joining ranks with ...

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