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Cover, The Adventures of Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty. PN6728.C35 N522

Special Collections and Archives is home to the David S. Somerville Collection which features comic books from both Marvel and DC Comics, and many other books that focus on superheroes and other pop culture characters. Marvel has its roots in comic books, but has also made movies, television shows, and video games. Marvel Comics was originally established in 1939 ....

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Cover, Thomas Hanbury School for Boys Yearbook

The Old China Hands Archives holds collections related to the experiences of foreigners living in China prior to 1949. Many Old China Hands lived with their families in China, giving rise to private schools that educated their children. Many Old China Hands who attended the Thomas Hanbury School for Girls and Thomas Hanbury School ....

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Miss Rattle Dressing for the Pantheon,1772, in Powder and Paint...

Many beauty and fashion trends quickly fall out of vogue, but others have more staying power. In Special Collections there are many fashion books and magazines produced in numerous time periods, as well as historical retrospectives that focus on the history of fashion and cosmetics. Women in particular ....

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Map of the eastern Area of the Great European War

World War I was one of the most lethal battles in history that drew in major global powers from various nations to fight against one another. Over the course of four years, from 1914 to 1918, millions of combatants and civilians died as a result of the violence. The progress of the war was covered and documented by soldiers who...

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